Chapter 24

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Harrison's POV:

I stepped off the Hogwarts Express and made my way through the barrier to where my 'family' were.

"Bye Harrison!" Hermione called from behind me. Ron and Neville had been apparated by their relatives back home already.

I turned to the bushy haired girl and smiled.

"See you at the Burrow 'Mione."

She rushed over and hugged me saying good luck with the muggles. I laughed but nevertheless nodded and said goodbye again.

"Potter! Over here now!" My uncle called.

I rolled my eyes but still slowly walked over muttering about how unfair it was under my breath. It was nice that Killian had stopped them calling me Freak and Boy but that didn't mean I liked it when they practically spat my surname.

"Yes Vernon." I refused to call him uncle. He doesn't deserve it. Remus and Sirius do.


It was already about 1 week away from 4th year and today I was going to the burrow. I had installed the floo system in my trunk which had walk in compartments that were magically expanded. For instance I had a walk in wardrobe, a duelling room, a small apartment area with a kitchen and bed and then I had a potions lab. Ebony loved to sleep in there whilst I was in lessons. Cosmos had a golden perch in there too.

It was also nice not falling on my face when I called out, "The Burrow!"

Instead I gracefully stepped out and swept off the excess soot.

"Harrison!!" Ron said excitedly.

I smiled and gave him a sort of man hug. Ginny was still pretty infatuated with me so she still blushed and stuttered but no where near as bad as she used to.

"Hermione here yet Ron?"

"No she will be here tomorrow." He replied.

I nodded my head and he led me into the kitchen where Molly was cooking and Arthur was reading the daily prophet.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Weasley, a pleasure to see you again."

They both looked up and their eyes lit up when they say me.

"Please Harrison, Molly and Arthur will do. Your family now being friends with my boys and saving my daughters life!"

I couldn't keep the smile off my face, but at least this time I didn't cry like I did last time. (Ik that's not cannon but shushhhh)

"Ok Molly. Well as I said it's lovely to see you again."

"You too Harrison. Although I do get many angry letters from Minerva about all the pranks you and my youngest son get up to, I suppose I wouldn't get away with only having the twins as pranksters."

"But here we are." I replied cheekily, causing he to swat my arm.

Ron took me upstairs to the twins room so we could all plan pranks.

After a while, Ginny joined us and helped us out.


I'm going to skip most of fourth year as I really dislike it. Especially the movie and how it ruined the book. No hate to JK obviously it was just a tad too long!

Hermione arrived the next day and she spent the night with us until the next day when we would be leaving.

Like last time we met Cedric and his father in the woods and then took a portkey. I was so happy that I actual knew what to do this time and not stand around like a twit. It was so embarrassing last time.

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