Chapter 12 - First Day

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Harrison's PoV:

I walked with Ron, Neville and Hermione to the common room. Obviously I wasn't going to gasp at every little thing I saw, I mean I've seen it loads of times. We finally got to the Fat Lady portrait who guards Gryffindor tower and the prefects told us the password. It was 'Leo' as in Lion.

When we walked into the room I couldn't keep the smile off. Finally, I was home.

"Come on let's go up and put away our trunks in the dorms." Neville suggested. We all nodded and headed upstairs.

On the door was our nameplate: Neville.F.Longbottom

Seems like we are not with Seamus and Dean this time...

Ah yes that would be my work. You need to be able to cause mischief with your friends! Can't have them ruining it. And anyway it has to be 4 like the marauders! You + Ron + Neville + Hermione!
Said Mischief.

I mentally smirked and thanked him.

The other boys dorm said Seamus, Dean, Benjamin and Oliver (Rivers)

Hermione's PoV:

I walked up the left staircase whilst the boys walked up the right. I walked along the hall of girl dormitories and finally at the end came to the one with my name on. The name plaque read:

Lavender Brown
Fay Dunbar
Hermione Granger
Parvati Patil

Harrison's PoV:

As we walked in it was a different layout to last time, this time it was set exactly like the Marauders dorm.
(Pretend Sirius and Remus showed him some memories off them all)

With one bed in each corner. On the left there was one bed up agains the far left window, one up agains the close left window and the same but on the right side.

 On the left there was one bed up agains the far left window, one up agains the close left window and the same but on the right side

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The beds^^

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The beds^^

I picked the one at the far left so I could look out the window.

Neville picked the one in front of mine on the closest left bed whilst Ron took the one opposite mine on the far right.

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