Chapter 6 - Halloween

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Harrison POV:

Today was that dreaded day. The 31st of October 1981. Halloween. My least favourite day of the year. Everything seemed to go wrong on this day NO MATTER THE YEAR I mean my parents dying to a troll almost killing us.

So when I woke up wrong a nightmare of what was to come tonight I for once cried. The third time I had ever cried. The first was when I broke my finger after tripping at 8 months. THAT HURT. Especially as a baby. I mean if I was a teen i probs would have barely felt it. I mean I'd even built up a tolerance to the cruciatus curse. And I could throw off the imperious as if it were a fly. So when I cried within about 6 seconds mama and dada were in the room.
They both came straight over and dada lifted me up, sat down in the nearby chair and cradled me close to his chest. With mama right behind soothing me too.

After being rocked by dads for a few minutes dada brought me away from his chest and onto his lap

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After being rocked by dads for a few minutes dada brought me away from his chest and onto his lap.

"What's wrong baby boy?" He asked worriedly.

"N-ni-nightmare dada...scawy!" I told him with tears still streaming down my face.

"Aww baby it's ok it was just a dream darling," came my mothers soft but worried voice.

"Well mama and dada don't like it when your upset and crying so tell us all about it and then we can go and eat pancakes!" Dada exclaimed.

"It was later on tonight and there was a scarwwwyy man with no nose! He had wed eyes and a howwible laugh. He pointed his wand at dada whilst me and mama ran up the stairs and a bright green wight came out the end. Then mama went to my nursery and put me in my cot and put things in fwont of the door but it didn't work. It blew up and the no nose man came. He did the same thing to mama, the green light. And I was all awone. Then he did the same to me!" I shakily told them crying still.

Throughout the story they'd both gone pale and were both shaking slightly.

"Oh my poor baby it wasn't real darling." Mama said through tears of her own taking me from dad and holding me.


After that rather eventful morning I asked dad to call Padfoot and Moony on the mirror. I think he was still slightly shaken from my dream so when saying goodbye it sounded very heartfelt.

It was now nighttime. I knew it was exactly 2 minutes until the door was blown to pieces and I was clutching mama and dada crying, crying that he was coming. ( AN: God that sounds creepy)

They were rather panicked as I never cried and they were quite honestly looking like they were getting ready to leave. I wish they would but I knew they'd never make it. From what Death told me the anti apparation wards erected by Voldy had already gone up along with blocking the floo and any portkeys. Honestly it was rather terrifying knowing he would be here soon.


"LILY ITS HIM! TAKE HARRISON AND RUN UPSTAIRS!" Dada frantically said. He gave each of us a quick kiss but whispered to me, "I love you prongslet and I'm so sorry I won't get to raise you. I knew I should have trusted my gut and listened to my dream but I didn't and now we're all doomed. I promise I will hold him off as long as possible but i know it will be in vain. I love you more than anyone else in the world and I'm sorry. Your the best kid anyone could ask for..."

And with that mum scooped me up and ran up but just before we reached the top of the stairs I heard the killing curse and unlike my mum who only heard the THUD of my fathers dead body hitting the floor, I saw him drop hopelessly onto the floor. With a look of horror frozen on his face. Mum ran into the nursery and just like before she piled furniture in front of the door but she knew just like me it would be in vain.

High pitch laughter filled the air as mama picked me up and hugged me tightly as the door was blasted open.

She put me back down in my cot and said, " mama loves you Harrison, dada loves you, be safe baby, be strong

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She put me back down in my cot and said, " mama loves you Harrison, dada loves you, be safe baby, be strong. I love you so much my perfect baby boy."

She turned around with a look of determination.

AN: everyone knows how this scene goes so imma skip till after Moldyshorts was defeated for the first time.

After the spell hit me, like the first time I didn't die. Even if I did Death would have revived me.
But after I woke up I crawled out of my cot and over to my mothers cold, lifeless, dead body and hugged her tightly silently promising to avenge her.

But after I woke up I crawled out of my cot and over to my mothers cold, lifeless, dead body and hugged her tightly silently promising to avenge her

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And that's the end of this chapter!!


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