Chapter 31

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Harrison's POV:

The year went quite similar to last time with me teaching the DA, which I refused to call Dumbledore's Army because COME ON!

So instead we didn't really give it a name, we just called it a duelling club/spell learning club.

I taught them much easier with my added strength and floored anyone who said I wasn't that strong.

Umbridge still seemed to hate me but I didn't care. She couldn't call me a liar anymore but instead called me an attention seeking brat. In my last life I would have gotten rather upset/angry but it was just amusing to me now.

I pranked her mercilessly, turning her entire classroom black and all her clothes to be like Snapes. I turned Snapes to be pink like hers. It was rather entertaining to say the least.

I had 'found' more horcruxes, we know had destroyed

1) the one in my head
2) the diary
3) the ring
4) the locket
5) Nagini (I didn't want to kill her so Killian just removed the soul piece).
6) The diadam

We now only had to get the cup out of Bellatrix's vault. I had told Dumbledore to ask the goblins if they could search the vaults as even goblins find horcruxes to be horrendous things.

I was glad I would never get the fake visions of Siri being tortured. Arthur never got attacked as he wasn't needed to protect the prophecy.


Finally after about 2 months of searching the Goblins found the cup. Dumbledore said he would use fiendfyre to destroy it.

That left only the soul piece in Voldemort himself, which I could quite easily destroy now.

It was the last week of school and me, Neville, Luna, Hermione, Ron, Fred and George were all in hogsmede.

Fred and George decided to stay until the end and do a massive end of year prank with me and the others for their send off. I had given them my triwizard earnings for their joke shop and wished them luck on it.

Like last time they said I could have anything for free as I helped them start it all.


I couldn't shake the feeling that something VERY bad was going to happen. All the deities were being very quiet and were ignoring me when I asked if something was going to happen today.

Me and the others were all walking towards the carriages, just leaving the three broomsticks.

We were all mucking around making stupid puns/jokes and talking about pranks.

"So do you remember Umbitches face when she saw her robes!" Neville laughed.

"Oh merlin that was hilarious! She looked as if we had murdered a cat in front of her!" Ron chuckled.

"Awww damn!" I complained loudly.

"What's wrong Hazza?" Luna asked.

"We should have got Minnie to help us as she is a cat animagus. Imagine all the pranks we could have pulled on Umbitch with her!"

They all laughed at the mere thought of Minnie pranking Umbridge. We could all imagine it as Minnie seemed to hate her more than most of us did.

I began to think about how amazing this life had been, and when I thought about last years end of year prank I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

They all looked at me as if I was off my rocker at the sudden outburst.

"Um Hazza?" Hermione asked.

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