Chapter 22

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Harrison's POV:

I woke up groggily. It was roughly 1pm according to Time, who for once came to visit me. Even if it was when I was practically dead.

I turned my head but winced.

Suppose I'm not fully healed yet...

Give it a few seconds for our magic to heal you Young master.

I waited for about 9 seconds until I felt completely healed. It was as if nothing happened, although my chest was a little sore still. I looked around for Madame Pomphrey from my bed but couldn't see her.

"Poppy!" My throat was really dry and my voice sounded as if I hadn't used it for years.

Poppy still didn't come, so me being me, I decided to hop out of bed even with a newly healed broken leg that was still tender and hobble into her office. When I got in there she was filling out forms. Most likely ordering new potions for her patients.

"Poppy? Can I leave nowwww." I whined.

She jumped violently and whipped her head up to look at who it was. When she saw me she stood straight up and marched me back over to the bed.

"I think NOT young man! Get back into bed! It's a miracle you even survived! Let alone up and walking!"

"But Poppyyyyyy." I whined even louder.

"Don't Poppy me Mr Potter. You will lay down and you will stay down." She said sternly although there was a hint of amused exasperation.

I huffed and pouted for quite a long time after that, much to the great amusement of the conscious patients currently in the medical wing and Poppy herself. Even the deities wouldn't stop laughing at my childish behaviour.


Albie's PoV:

(Yes Albie)

I stepped out of the fireplace, Sirius and Peter, who was in a cage, in tow. As soon as I stepped out, I made sure to cast a powerful notice me nor charm on all of us. Couldn't have everyone gawking at the three of us when we had much more pressing matters on hand.

All those years ago I couldn't quite believe that Mr Black was the one who betrayed young James and Lily Potter but the evidence was overwhelming. James had told me they were picking him for the secret keeper. Then when he was arrested he was found laughing maniacally saying "it was my fault! I killed James and Lily!" but he must have only been in shock.

I gracefully swept through the crowds, dodging the people who were all unable to see me, and made my way to the head of the DMLE's office.

(AN: is it just me or is honestly so hard to write in Albus' POV, like he's so different to everyone else. He's pretty posh but not snobby. At the same time he's quite sassy with a sense of humour. But then he also has a slightly mad/insane side. For instance: "now that your all watered and fed." Talking to his own students as if they're plants or when he says his start of year speech. "Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak." It's so hard!)

I politely knocked on the door to Amelia's office. As she was the head of the department of magical law enforcement.

"Come in."

I entered and took off the charms. She immediately raised her wand at the sight of the escaped convict.

"You found him!" She asked shocked.

I nodded. But when she went to send a body bind towards him I quickly cut in and spoke.

"Amelia, he's innocent." I told her calmly.

Her lips tightened into a straight line, not unlike my dear friend Minerva.

"Albus, I know you think everyone deserves second chances but PLEASE he-"

"Is innocent of all the crimes he commuted Madame Bones."

Her face went incredulous.

"You can't be serious?"

I heard a snort from behind and turned to find Sirius hiding a smirk.

When he looked up, having felt eyes on him he chuckled and said, "no he is not but I am!"

My lips twitched at the sight of my former pupil making an old joke and turned my attention back to Amelia.

"I used veritasirum on Mr Black here. And he never even got a trial."

That got her to listen but when she heard the second part she was fuming.


"Believe me I've been thinking that for 12 years Amelia..." Sirius said.

Her eyes softened when she looked back towards him now knowing the truth.

"We will get you that trial Mr Black. In fact we will do it now!"

We both nodded in agreement whilst she went to call an emergency Wizengamot (is this how you spell it?) meeting.


Harrison's POV:

I was finally released from Poppy's grasp when I managed to irritate her that much from my constant whining and pouting.

I walked up to the Gryffindor tower, knowing classes would be over in about 10 minutes. I decided to catch up on my arithmacy homework. Yeah instead of last time I decided to choose ancient runes and Arithmacy. I sometimes used Hermione's turn timer for extra time on homework as I had pretended to find out about it. She made me promise not to tell anyone else but of course I managed to persuade her to let me tell Ron and Neville as they were my best friends as well.

Ron and Neville along with the twins had really become like my brothers this time. I felt as if me and Ron were twins just with different appearances. We were just slightly closer than the other two. Hermione and Ginny were more like sisters this time round. I had liked Ginny last time but now the love had long faded. I was a bit more of a player now, obviously I was still a virgin in this life being only 13 but i knew that would soon change seeing as I was mentally a lot older. I would probably become sexually active next year and I knew I would be a one and done kind of guy this time round as cringe that sounded. I also realised I was bisexual as well but I was not ashamed about it. Instead I openly flirted with both genders and succeeded rather well if you ask me.

Finally after a few long minutes the portrait opened, the common room filling with students of all ages wearing red and gold ties.

I sort out my three best friends and hugged them tightly when I found them.

"Merlin Harrison! How are you alive?" Hermione said rather shocked.

" magic sort of helped out quite a bit."

She whacked me on the forehead but then burst into tears hugging me as if I was about to drop dead any second.

"DON'T YOU EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN HARRISON JAMES DENVER POTTER!" She said whilst tears were profusely pouring out of her eyes.

I nodded dumbly, unable to say anything with such an emotional Hermione clinging to me to me like a lifeline.

"You sure your good mate?" Neville asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Honest." I told them truthfully.

"Ok good." Ron said happily.

We all went up to our dorm, sneaking Hermione up with us and began to plot our end of year prank this time on the teachers.


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