Chapter 19

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Harrison's PoV:

Today is the day that Padfoot drags Ron into the shrieking shack. Like last time he did enter Gryffindor tower and scratch the portrait looking for scabbers/Peter.

And today is the day we meet him and I couldn't wait. I wondered if Neville would be here this time.


This was it, Hermione had punched Draco in the face, then we went to Hagrids hut and then back up to the castle past the whomping willow.

And just like last time Scabbers bit Ron and ran. But this time I decided to run after him so just as Ron went to run I said, "I'll get him Ron!"

"Thanks mate!"

Neville wasn't here like last time, he was helping Sprout with potting some new plant thing.

I managed to catch Scabbers faster than Ron had, so Padfoot would have to drag me down the hill and into the tree.

This is gonna hurt isn't it?

Yep! Said Chaos happily. For some reason he was always happy to see me hurt. Not in a nasty way but because it caused chaos, which he obviously loved.

Somehow I still didn't see Padfoot coming and it was Ron again. I knew he was coming but didn't see it. Hermione and Ron both ducked as I whipped my head around to see why Ron hollered but then I saw the black dog about two inches away from me and remembered. I couldn't exactly dodge him without them being suspicious of how I knew he was there when I was looking the other way.

So he pounced on me, sending me flying backwards even though I was almost 6 foot tall. He was a HUGE dog so shut up. I landed on a stone, breaking atleast three ribs, I heard the snap of my ribs. Padfoot must have as well as he let out a slight whine.

He then dragged me by the leg down the hill, me hitting all sorts of twigs and stones, cutting me.


Young master he can't hear you, you know.

Oh yeah.

I could have told him telepathically but that might freak him out. So I let him drag me. He managed to dodge all the branches from the tree and drag me inside. I could see the branch hit Ron and Hermione back. They all must have found it odd how I barely made a noise, the only time I did was when I said OOF, when Padfoot knocked me over. And a few ouches.

When he dragged me inside, a metal thing stabbed me in the chest, it hurt but I had a high tolerance so I didn't make a noise.

What on earth was that?

It was a metal rod that used to be part of the support system holding the shack up. Life said.

Wait used to be!?

She nodded.

It's not going to fall down is it?

She shook her head.

But Ron never got cut with it! That's not fair!

Shhh it was more dramatic for us to watch! Chaos said cheerfully.


That didn't do much as it just made him chuckle.

I looked down at my chest and it was gushing! I was going to kill Padfoot! It was getting all over my shirt and ruining my good looks!

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