Chapter 29

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Harrison's POV:

We were all cleaning up the house today and I couldn't feel as if I'd forgotten about an event that happened last time.

Molly was upstairs, Arthur and Sirius were cleaning the kitchen, Remus and Hermione and Ron were cleaning the front room. Ginny and I were cleaning the hallways on the bottom floor whilst the twins were doing the middle floor.

(It's a townhouse so it has three floors.)

Suddenly there was a crash and someone sobbing from upstairs. I told Ginny I'd deal with it and ran up the stairs. Clearly Remus had told the others to also wait downstairs as none of the other teens were rushing upstairs.

I was bewildered, not remembering if this happened last time.

Finally I got to the door where I could hear the sobbing behind and opened the door. I could see Molly curled up in the corner of the room crying.

Oh merlin! The boggart!

I turned to my right where I knew my own corpse would lay. There 'I' was. Me in the form of a boggart was lying on the floor, eyes open but dead and glazed. Chest not rising and pale skin. The skin would be icy cold if someone were to touch 'me'. Blood pooling out from my head. There was no mistake it was my own dead form.'s AWFUL.

Yes it is... said Fate.

I stood up in front of my own dead body and waited for the boggart to change. After about three seconds it screamed and flew back into the drawer where it came from. I turned back to Molly and crouched down in front of her.

"Hey Molly, it was only a boggart. I promise all your children are fine, you can floo Bill and Charlie if you want and the others are all downstairs. Arthur is fine too as am I." I soothed her. I put my arms around my waist and she latched onto me, crying on my shoulder.

Last time it was Remus who vanished the boggart and calmed Molly but this time I vowed to be braver and stronger, to protect them to the best of my ability until I was ready to pass on to the afterlife.

I knew Arthur, Remus and Sirius had seen the boggart form of my dead body. And I knew I wasn't going to be able to get rid of Sirius that easily. He would probably be rather clingy, like a toddler to their parents. But I know it's because he had spent 12 years being forced to remember the sight of his dead best friends body.

I still looked very similar to my dad but I no longer wore glasses and am not lanky like he was. Also I have emerald eyes like my mothers whilst his are a warm hazel.

So to Sirius he probably wouldn't see dead James but dead me.

In the books and movies I think we can all agree that Sirius did love Harry to pieces but he did sorta see him as James only. Remember he never went to the mind healers like in my story and was never free. Now he can roam the streets whenever.

In my story he doesn't see Harry/Harrison as James' replacement but as Harrison himself.
So in this book Sirius' boggart would be Remus and Harrison's dead body.

Back to the story!!

Eventually she calmed down and started sprouting off apologies but I brushed them off.

"I'm sorry Harrison. You must think I'm so silly!" She smiled falsely.

I frowned and shook my head, "no Molly, it's not silly at all. It's normal for parents to be scared of their children's deaths and husbands/wife's. I know I'd be!"

She smiled genuinely after that and hugged me. Eventually we stood up and turned to the three men who were standing by the doorway. Molly ran to Arthur and hugged him tightly. Sirius was staring at the spot 'my' dead body laid. Remus had a hand on his shoulder but was looking at me, I could see tears in his eyes but none were falling. It was the same with Sirius.

We all walked downstairs and explained to the others what happened. We all spent the night closely huddled together, not knowing if one of us would be dead by the end of year.


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