Chapter 21

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Hermione's POV:

When Harrison blacked out fully, I saw the reflection of a man in his eyes behind me. I turned round, wand raised ready to attack if necessary. It was Snape.

Why is Snap here?

"Black!" He barked.

Tad ironic seeing as Sirius is a dog animagus.

"Snivellous, how nice of you to join us!" Sirius mock cheered.

I choked at the nickname Sirius gave him. It was what Harrison and the boys called him.

"Step aside Black, I will call for the dementors. They are so LONGING to see you." He taunted.

"Sir it wasn't him! It was Peter! He's that man over there by Ron." I tried to tell him. But he wouldn't listen, to focused on Sirius.

"Bribed a child I see." He sneered.

Sirius just sneered right back, face full of disgust and hate towards the potions Professor. I couldn't really blame him, Snape was a horrid man.

Suddenly a howl went up in the air, causing Snape to involuntarily shudder.

Seems he is frightened of them...can't really blame him.

I took that moment to stun him.

"W-why'd you do that Hermione?" Ron asked.

"He was getting in the way and quite frankly I don't want my best friend to die." I huffed pointing to Harrison.

That got them to move quicker, Sirius went over to Harrison and picked him up. He was careful not to jostle any injuries as not to further them. Ron re stunned Peter as he was waking up and levitated him inside. Sirius made himself and Harrison invisible with Harrison's wand, as it would be a disaster if anyone saw him. Especially so close to Harrison.


Ron's PoV:

I followed Hermione and Sirius inside, levitating Peter Pettigrew, making sure to hit his head on all the doorways .

I got Sirius to make Peter invisible and walked up to the headmasters office with them.

Hermione's POV:

"Lemon drop." I tried.

"Blood pop." Nothing.

"Oh for Merlins sake what's the password!"

"Acid drop!" The gargoyle moves aside to allow us entry.

We knocked on the door.

"Come on Miss Granger."

How does he know who it is every damn time!?

I opened the door and went in. The elderly headmaster was sitting at his desk writing something.

"What can I do for you miss granger?"

"Um..well SiriusBlackisinnocentandPeterPettigrewisalive." I said really quickly. He looked bewildered as to what I said.

"Sorry Miss Granger can you repeat that slower?"

I nodded and took a deep calming breath.

"Sirius Black is innocent. Peter Pettigrew is alive and he was James and Lily Potters secret keeper."

He's face morphed from confusion to down right shock and disbelief.

I took the spell of Sirius, Harrison and Peter.

Dumbledore stood up quickly, turning his wand on Sirius, his former student.

"Mr Black if you are innocent you will consent to veritaserum?"

"Of course, that's all I wanted 12 years ago!" He said.

"What?" Dumbledore asked befuddled.

"I never got a trial Albus."

The headmasters face went still, I could see his eyes burning in anger.

"I see...well if you would."

Sirius nodded and aloud the headmaster to our three drops of the truth serum.

Sirius' eyes glazed over and his face went completely blank.


"Sirius Orion Black III." His voice was completely monotone.

"Date of birth?"

"3rd of November 1959."

"What school house were you in?"


"Who was your three best friends whilst at school?"

"James Fleamont Potter, Remus John Lupin and Peter Pettigrew."

"Were you the secret keeper of James and Lily Potter in the first wizarding war, and did you sell them out to Lord Voldemort?"

"No, Peter was the secret keeper as we believed it would throw Voldemort off. I would never have sold them out."

"Did you or did you not kill peter and 12 muggles?"

"No, I didn't kill any of them. I admit I wish I had killed Peter and that's what I was aiming to do but he turned into his animagus form and blew up the street before cutting his finger off. The explosion alone killed all 12 muggles."

"What is his animagus form?"

"A rat."

Funnily enough.

Dumbledore then gave Sirius the antidote.

"Oh merlin."

I blinked, the headmaster never seemed so out of character. It was an odd thing to see/hear.

"I need to go to the ministry with you two, follow me and Miss Granger and Mr Weasley if you would rush Young Mr Potter to the infirmary for Poppy to treat his wounds."

I nodded and levitated Harrison and ran to the hospital wing with Ronald.

When we got there Madame Pomphrey didn't even ask questions, that's what I loved about her. She never asked questions about how it happened unless she really had too.

"Let me do a quick health check. It shouldn't be more than a few broken bones...and a punctured lung."

She waved her wand over him and gasped straight away. I tried to ask her what was wrong but she pushed me and Ron out. I managed to catch a glimpse of the list and it was awful.

Health check of Harrison James Denver Potter.

Age; 13
Injuries:  broken left femur bone (upper leg/thigh)
Broken right collarbone
Two punctured lungs
3 broken ribs
Major concussion
Fractured jaw
Major blood loss from open wound in chest.
Major blood loss from punctured lungs.

And then I was shoved out of the room.


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