Chapter nine - acceptance letter

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Harrison's POV:

I looked down at the letter in my hands and grinned.



Mr H.J.D Potter,
We are pleased to inform you, that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A list of need equipment can be found enclosed down below. A reply is needed by the 31st of July.


Finally! It's only been 10 years! Although I've already got most of my things I still had to get my robes and inheritance test done.

Quickly I wrote a reply which I thought would make McGonagall smile and also warn her I'm a bit of a trouble maker.

I bet she'll love you. Mischief said sarcastically.

Doesn't everyone! I replied with as much arrogance as one could possible muster. Causing Chaos, Killian and Mischief to snort.

The letter read:

Dear Minnie,
I would love to attend the fine school that is Hogwarts. I will not be needing a guide as I already know where to access and find Diagon Alley, having been there many times. I'll see you in Gryffindor! Get ready for the best year yet full of entertainment.

-Harrison Potter.

I smirked. I'm definitely going to be giving her grey hairs.
I sent the owl back with the letter.

——————-in McGonagall's office————

Minerva's POV:

I was both looking forward to and dreading this year. And that was because young Harrison Potter was to attend this year. I had just sent out his letter. Now I was pondering whether he would be like James or Lily. I shuddered thinking of another Marauder.

I think he will be just like Lily. Nice and quiet.

Oh how wrong she was.

Suddenly the owl that I sent to Mr Potter came back. I wasn't really expecting a reply. Normally muggleborns or muggle raised wizards don't really know how to reply. Not knowing whether it's a joke or they have no idea how to deliver mail via owl.

I took the letter from the owls talons and opened it.
At first glance I could see it was written by a quill and on parchment no less.

That's odd. I doubt the Dursleys would have informed him about magic.

It was also very neat, fancy, loopy cursive writing. It was honestly the neatest writing from a first year I'd ever seen. Even better than the purebloods. It was neither like James nor Lily's. James' was small and messy. Lily's was large and in print. His was perfect. As if he'd been writing for years.

Then I actually read the letter. By the second word I'd already smiled and groaned. Minnie. He called me Minnie just like James and Sirius used to. Then as I read on I couldn't help the smile that took over my face.

He's just like James. I just hope he's not a bully.

Although I had a feeling he wasn't a bully. James did eventually grow up but even I must admit some of the pranks he did, did go to far. But I was happy that Harrison didn't let the muggles break his spirit. Rather like young Sirius.

I knew he would be a Gryffindor and by the sounds of it so did he.

Sorry for small chapter!!

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