Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

"Oh my god, it finally happened! Hades got hitched!"

Next time I decided to tell Lea something, I was going to remember this moment and definitely not fucking tell her anything.

I said that, I felt that in the moment, but fuck me if I didn't run to tell her something else.

I rolled my eyes at her festivity of throwing her hands up in the air like she was at a fucking Kesha concert before she threw those long arms around my torso, because she'd have to jump to reach my neck and she surprisingly wasn't in a jumping mood. Her long curly black hair bounced all around her shoulders, even though it was pulled into a high ponytail that was yanked tight from her exotic sexy face.

Because let's face it; Lea was sexy. Curvy, lush, dark, sophisticated. She was a typical Atlantean with her rich caramel skin, brilliant blue eyes, thick black hair, her rolling accent unlike anything in the world.

If someone had told me a few years ago that I'd be friends with not only an Atlantean goddess, but just another fucking person, I'd call you a goddamn liar. But somehow, Lea was completely enchanting in the weirdest ways. She wasn't shy; she was straightforward and honest. She was loud and proud, unabashed, strong, independent. She was everything I admired in a person, and she was humble about it too. The female was addicting. If Lucifer hadn't come along when he had, something told me Lea would've been on my radar.

As it was, Lucifer was mine and Lea's current beau was in the Atlantean god who stood beside her in that moment, an eyebrow raised. The god was Zetnos, god of the Atlantean underworld, Xandria. He was about my height, a feat not so easily done, with long wavy black hair and cat green eyes that seemed to watch everything around him with laser precision. When I'd first met the god, he was just like the rumors said; timid, quiet, reserved. And he was still quiet, but there was something lighter to him now, especially the way he watched Lea with complete and utter adoration.

"Love, don't break his ribs," Zetnos pointed out, clearing his throat. Lea huffed, releasing my ribcage so I could actually fucking breathe before she stepped back and gazed up at me with this huge smile on her face.

"I'm so happy for you, Hades! Agh! We gotta start planning this wedding," Lea exclaimed, thumping her hands on my chest, "Yes! We have to have it here in Atlantis, Hades. Zetnos, come on--"

"Perhaps we should wait for celebrations until after the universe is saved," Yiuwa offered, making Lea blink and look at him for a second before stepping back to frown.

"Oh, right. Almost forgot about that."

"Only you would forget the universe is on the verge of ending," I deadpanned, making Lea snort.

"Not my fault. This is huge news," she added, then sighed wistfully, tossing her hair back over her shoulder before folding her arms over her chest, "Well, that's a bummer. So, what were you saying? Something about a tablet?"

"You've already read the tablet, haven't you," Zetnos asked with a stern frown, "Entering Mialosk again so soon is... not wise." Yiuwa grimaced, clearly remembering the last time they'd ventured down there. Rowan averted his eyes, obviously pretending he didn't have a permanent limp thanks to the last visit.

"If the fate of the universe didn't hinge on it, we wouldn't be going anywhere near the cesspool," I responded dryly. Zetnos didn't appear too pleased with our options. Lea less so.

"Is there no other way? You can't remember anything from the tablets?" She asked Yiuwa, who shook his head.

"I don't remember the details, and unfortunately, details are imperative right now," he answered, making Lea cringe and rub at her arms, getting goosebumps from the very idea of us heading in there. Zetnos turned to look at her.

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