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"I want to stay here, forever."

Haraboji laughed lightly, and ruffled my hair. I pouted before feeding him another spoon of tomato soup. He needed to stay healthy. "When is your next album releasing?" he asked in his natural groggy voice.

"In 2 days." I replied. "That's why I came here to visit you. I doubt I will get free time once the stage performances start." I mumbled.

He sighed deeply and patted my head. "It is your dream of becoming world's best singer, don't look like a sad song of the century. There was a time, you were so excited for your debut, composing music and showing the world what you have got. I want that Iseul back." he smiled warmly.

I lowered my eyes and placed the bowl on the table. "Music industry is not all about music though, I was naive to think that I was going to produce music and all." I said with a sigh. "People take everything as a competition you know... I just wanted to be a singer and now I'm just a beautiful girl with beautiful hair and all, no one focus on my music. I just don't want to be a perfect doll. I want to be more than that, but..." I groaned lowly, frustrated with myself.

"People tend to do that." Haraboji said. "And it's no doubt that you're a beautiful woman Iseul."

"My chubby cheeks are gone. I loved my body before and now it's just a normal skeleton I am. I wish I could eat well and gain some weight." I pouted. I didn't mention that I had tried putting on some weight but failed miserably because of my eating disorder. The fear of people body shaming me was literally giving me an unknown fear, and I couldn't eat much for staying in figure.

"What has gotten into you?" he looked at me seriously. "You're complaining too much. Is everything alright honey?"

I didn't want to worry him, so I just smiled and placed my head on his lap. "I'm just tired Haraboji. It's so difficult to survive in the world of kpop." I murmured.

"Oh you're strong. You'll survive." he said. A smile graced my lips and I hummed. My elder sister, Val came to us and handed me a glass of orange juice. My grandfather and Val was the only family I have, with addition to brother in law, Val's husband. My parents died long time ago, when I was merely child in a car accident, so it has always been me, Haraboji and Val. I loved them so much.

"So when are you leaving for Seoul?" Val asked me.

"Right now." I said. "When is brother in law coming here?"

"Tonight." Val said, and ruffled my hair. "Don't worry you'll meet him next time."

"Yeah." I shrugged, and went to my room. I grabbed my bag, and checked my appearance in the mirror.

Val came to me and patted my back. "Work hard. Okay? Next time you come, you'll have a niece waiting for you."

I chuckled. "Stay healthy little champ." I caressed her stomach, and smiled faintly. "Take care of yourself. I'll visit soon. Did you talk to Wook?" I asked about my younger brother who was currently studying in 1st year. He just got into an university.

"He's good. You take care, Iseul."

And then I was off to Seoul. Of course, a lot of fans and media was waiting for me at the airport, but company's security was tight, and I passed by just fine. I didn't get much time to rest, and went straight to practice room to rehearse for the upcoming comeback stage.

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