Twenty Five

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Fab4 Iseul explained heartbreaking reason for why she doesn't accept fan letters anymore.

We all know that Fab4 maknae, Lim Iseul is a cheerful girl on stage. She might look intimidating on stage because of her powerful moves, but off stage she's a soft girl. Yesterday, Fab4 attended the radio show to promote their group activities, where members talked about their fans and upcoming schedule. When the topic of discussion turned to Iseul, and the host asked her why she doesn't accept fan letters anymore, she broke down in tears and explained her reason.

Iseul : I used to read every fan letter in my early debut days because it felt refreshing and good to read how much people loved you. But then, one day I got this letter from the fan, and it said 'Your parents died early because they didn't want to see you like this. You're a total bitch. I pray for your parents.'

Fab4 maknae further explained how the incident shook her to the core. She said, "I was shocked to read the letter, and I didn't know how to react. I kind of missed my parents then. It was so hard. I didn't want to face the situation again, so I stopped receiving letters."


I scanned the names of the cyber bullies, and sighed. I was filling lawsuit against all these people who talked shit about me during my break period. Their lies almost cost me my life, and I wasn't going to spare any of them. I lifted my head when door to the green room opened, and BTS Jimin waved at me.

"Sunbae." I bowed politely.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked, and I furrowed my brows.

"My special stage is in few minutes. Is it important?" I asked because I knew Chanyeol was waiting for me a few doors away.

Jimin nodded, and closed the door behind him. "I... I don't know how to say it, but..." he looked troubled for some reason, and I raised my brows.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm here to beg you, Iseul." he hung his head low. "I want you to drop lawsuit against Song Ha Rin." he mumbled.

Song Ha Rin?

"Sunbae, what are you talking about?" I asked, and jogged my memory of the name. It sounded familiar.

"Ha Rin is one of your haters." He replied, and realization dawned on my face. I looked down at the list in my hand, and surely saw the girl's name there. "I want to apologize for her mistake."

My head snapped at him. "Sunbae, do you know what are you talking about? Do you know what this girl commented on my character? How could you-"

Park Jimin sat on his knees in front of me, and I stepped back immediately. I couldn't believe it was happening.

"Sunbae, don't you think that it is too much?" I exclaimed. "Please, stand up. Please." I told him, and he shook his head.

"From her side, I apologise to you. I know how deeply a mean comment can hurt you, Iseul."

"I understand. We can talk. Please stand up."

"I have read people's comments on me. Some of them had even sent me death threats." His face pained with an emotion, and I sat on my knees as well. I couldn't believe Jimin was doing this for this girl.

"Sunbae, I'm suing every one of them." I bit my lip. "Why should I spare her? Who is she to you? I mean you're asking me to spare this girl. There has to be a reason behind it."

"You won't believe me even if I tell you." Jimin chuckled, but there was an overwhelming sadness in his eyes. "She did it to get to me. She did it because she-" he lowered his head. "I just want you to know that she is a good person. I apologise on her behalf."

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