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"It's okay."

I frowned. "Sunbae what happened?" I asked, and leaned back to stare at him. He raised his hand and tucked my hair back. My frown deepened because he looked conflicted between his emotions.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked in his deep voice. "I watched your JYP show few hours ago. Iseul you don't need to listen to people-"

"Sunbae, I'm okay." I chuckled softly. "I'm used to it. They don't concern me anymore."

"You don't get used to these kind of things." his face twisted in distaste. "They don't know you, Iseul. People have no right to say those things. You're a nice person-"

"I'm a public figure, and I have accepted this fact a long time ago." I shrugged. "Don't worry about-"

"Iseul, Are you okay?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

I didn't even think of his question, and nodded my head. "I'm perfectly fine." I replied.

Chanyeol stepped back from me, and ran a hand down his face. "Then how can you be okay with it? I don't think that's normal."

"Sunbae, you know very well that it's normal in this profession. I don't even know why people hate me. It's just that they do, and I can't do anything about it." I sighed, and went to take a seat on the table.

Chanyeol sat beside me. "You can. People are really cruel to you and it's getting out of hand."

I lowered my eyes, and joined my hands to prevent them from shaking. "I know. Let's not talk about it." I mumbled because whenever I think about the constant hate and cruel words for me, my anxiety start showing. I haven't told anyone about the issue because I didn't want to concern others. Besides, it wasn't like haters would stop anytime soon.

"You need to talk about it." Chanyeol pressed. "The way you say that you're used to hate is not normal."

"I have learned to get used to it." I unlocked my phone and started using sns. I didn't want to disrespect him, but I couldn't talk about it. He was forcing me to feel the pain I was trying to ignore. I didn't want to feel anything. I know it was a bad idea, but I couldn't help it.

My eyes scanned the comments on my last updated photo. I have cried in a show, people were leaving supporting messages, and the worst thing was I remember these same user names bullying me few days ago for my lack of energy on stage. It was okay to criticize someone, but their method of hating me was too cruel.

Even though so many people loved me, and commented good things about me, I couldn't help but stare at the hate comments.

"You're doing it again

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"You're doing it again. Aren't you?" Chanyeol took the phone from my hand, and I looked at him, startled. "You're only concentrating on hate comments."

I flinched. "Then what else am I supposed to do?" I threw my hands in air, forgetting that he was my senior. "I tried suing them, but they used VPN to change their location. I can't catch them. I have begged and said it hundred times that I'm a nice person. Don't hate me. Don't say those things about me!"

Dusk Till Dawn (In A Relationship With EXO Chanyeol ✅) Where stories live. Discover now