Chapter 19

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I know another short chapter... I'm sorry but I just felt that I needed to add this part.


I walk to where he always stands, it's not long until I see the familiar dark brown hair. I quicken my pace and urge the animals to stay with me and they do.

I'm close to him when he turns. He sees me and his light brown eyes light up. "David?" He asks as he quickly closes the distance between us and he engulfs me in a bear hug. I drop the ropes and hug him back. He quickly pulls back and cocks his head to each side of my head with narrowed eyes searching for Ben behind me.

I give a little chuckle. "I sent him to trade for money. You're safe." He visibly relaxes and sighs deeply. He is quite a few years older than me and hence why he fell for Annie's plan.

"Thank goodness. I don't want another beating." We both laugh and as the laughter dies down he turns a little more serious. "What can I do for you?"

"I'm looking for a horse..." he immediately frowns and before he can ask, I explain. "I have a woman... she and I have a special spot on a hill... and it's too far to walk."

"I thought horses were banned..." he says slowly.

"Emphasis on were." He frowns and I sigh. "Tom... he attacked and raped her... so after I killed him..." he isn't surprised by anything I just said to him. "I demanded to have a horse for some consolation and father said okay." Now his eyes widen in surprise. "My woman... she's pregnant."

He has a huge grin plastered on his face. "Man! Congratulations!" He says and pulls me into another hug. But I don't share the same enthusiasm and he picks up on it immediately. "Is it not a congratulations?"

I sigh and look around to make sure Ben is not anywhere near me. "Shane... I might need your help..." he raises his eyebrows "no scratch that... I need your help..."

"David, what is it?" He asks and his face scrunches into concern.

"She's pregnant and I think it's a girl..." he just doesn't understand why I'm panicked.

"Well? What's wrong with that?" He asks genuinely confused.

I move closer to him. "Daughters... are banned..."

"Dude... what the fuck are you on about?" He asks frustratingly.

So I just blurt it out. "I'm going to be forced to kill her or father will." His eyes go as big as saucers and his mouth moves like a fish gasping for air... or water... or whatever they gasp for...

"My point exactly..." he is at a loss for words.

"And you want what from me exactly?" He asks and I gather my courage.

"I need a way to get out..." he nods his head and begins to tap his chin in thought. "After the birth though..." he looks at me and rubs the little beard he is growing. "Please Shane... I... I... I love this baby so much already... I.. I..." I choke out and he places a hand on my shoulder.

"How long until the birth?" He asks gently.

I clear my throat. "Roughly 4 months... can you help?" I ask desperately.

"I will try David... you are like the little brother I always wanted..." my eyes tear up. I'm already grateful just for him offering to try. "Now is the horse also for you to leave?" I nod my head. "I take it that the cow and sheep are for the trade?" Again I nod my head. "Okay. I tell you what... keep the sheep, the cow is a beauty, I'll give you my stallion that I have available."

He disappears taking the cow with him and he returns with a huge hazelnut colored horse for me. My mouth hangs open. "Shane... you need to take the sheep..."

He shakes his head. "Take the horse David... come to me in 2 or 3 months..." I grab his hand and shake it.

"Thank you Shane. Thank you... thank you for saving my family..." I say to him repeatedly. "I'll see you then in-"

"David. Come." Shane's eyes bulge at the sight of Ben behind me.

I say my thanks quickly and walk away still with a sheep and now this big boy of a horse. "Just a cow for that monster? Ugh, ass kisser..." Ben mutters but I ignore him as I know one thing for sure.

We walk home with a horse, sheep and some money. We actually got quite a bit of money seeing as the sheep had a nice woolly fleece. Which would make an incredibly warm jersey or even a blanket.

Ben keeps glaring my direction every now and then, and that worries me. 'Does he know? Can he sense it? What will he do when we make a run for it? Will he let me and Molly go? Or will he hunt us down like animals?'

I have my ticket booked for saving my baby and maybe, just maybe having a shot at a semi normal life.

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