Chapter 10 - My Lips With His

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Chapter 10 – My Lips With His

I found myself in a tense situation as Caleb and Ben were now both glaring at each other, I was so sure they were seconds away from throwing more punches and causing a scene right in front of my office.

I took a deep breath before I ripped myself away from Ben and stood in the middle of both men.

"Ben meet Caleb and Caleb meet Ben." I said hoping that my quick introduction would diffuse the situation.

"I know who he is!" They both snapped in unison.

"Then calm the hell down!" I pleaded looking in both their eyes.

"Hazel, why is Caleb Crofts talking to you and hugging you?" Ben inquired, "Last time I checked, you don't move in the same social circles." He continued speaking his mind.

An arrogant smile extended across Caleb's face and he started to laugh, "Why can't I hug my fiancée and future wife?".

The words sounded like venom as they came out of Caleb's mouth, and my face went as pale as snow on a cold winter morning when I realised I hadn't told Ben about the arranged wedding that my grandfather sprung on me before he died.

"Future wife?!" Ben growled in unbelief, "You're not even worthy of a single strand of hair on Hazel's head!" Ben replied fuming.

"At least I can give her something you can't." Caleb said with a smirk.

"And what would that be?" Ben retorted.

"The Status of a proper wife and not a bastard's whore—" Before Caleb could finish speaking, Ben had thrown a second punch causing both men to enter a brutal fist fight. After many unsuccessful attempts of trying to stop the fight, I screamed at the top of my voice "STOP IT!". I watched as both men increased the space between themselves wiping off their blood and dusting off their clothes.

Both men gave me worried looks when they saw my face was covered with tears and my make up running, I hadn't realised it, but I was crying as I saw the event that took place unfold. Both men rushed towards me to make sure I was okay, but by then it was too late. I was angry, ashamed and embarrassed that their fight took place near where I work. I pushed them away and ran towards the opposite direction. "Stupid Meat heads!" I thought to myself.

About twenty minutes later I was seated in a McDonalds not too far from my office eating the Big Mac I had ordered with extra fries, a vanilla milk shake, and a chocolate muffin. I had not tidied up my face yet and was not too bothered as I knew that looking crazy would deter people from seating next to me in the busy fast food restaurant.

Just as I finished my burger, I felt a presence hover above me until he finally had the confidence to sit down.

"I brought you facial wipes and a box of chocolates as an apology." Ben informed me using his best puppy dog eyes. I however ignored him and started eating my fries while taking sips from my milkshakes.

"Hazel I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you or make you cry." Ben begged, "I'll do anything to make you forgive me." He continued speaking.

"Will you let me drive your Aston Martin when I want to use it?" I asked while looking at Ben who was now making an I can't believe I have to do this face.

"Fine! But I also need to be in it." Ben said in disbelief that he accepted my terms.

Ben handed me a paper bag holding the items he brought earlier "Now wipe your face, you look a mess." He said grinning at me, I playfully punched him before wiping my face back to it's natural form.

"You're absolutely stunning without makeup." Ben said admiring my face. "I'm not sure why you insist on wearing it." Ben continued while running the back of his left hand down my cheeks.
I felt my cheeks heat up as I saw his dilated eyes piercing through my soul. My heartbeat began to quicken and the palms of my hand started sweating. The moment that Ben and I was having was however abruptly ruined by a loud snort.

"I told you she was hooking up with him." A familiar voice announced in victory.

I immediately spun my head around to see Avril (the two-faced bitch I use to call my friend) linking arms with Harry (my ex-boyfriend). It had been a while since I saw them last and the hatred I had back then was still present.

"I don't know what he sees in her." Avril spewed degrading me further.

Harry gave me a hurt expression before he started pulling and tugging Avril towards the opposite direction, but the skank did not want to leave and kept putting up a fight.

"Why do you keep protecting her?" Avril screamed at Harry.

"Because she's pitiful." Harry replied, "That was why I went out with her in the first place." Harry's harsh words seemed to pacify Avril's anger and she mockingly looked at me before she broke into a laughing fit.

By now Ben's Jaw was clenched and his hands were tightly fisted, the look he had earlier before he threw the second punch at Caleb now filled his face and I knew if I didn't react soon, that Ben would give Harry and Avril the beating of a lifetime.

"Let's go." I said standing to my feet.

Ben looked down at my half-finished fries and muffin in confusion, "Are you leaving because of dumb and dumber over there?" He asked with gritted teeth. I shook my head and pointed at the time on my phone, "I have fifteen minutes to get back to work."

With that Ben also rose to his feet picking up my chocolate muffin, he grabbed my hand and unhappily led me out of the busy McDonalds. As we approached his car, Ben pulled me into a comforting hug.

"He never deserved you." Ben assured me.

"I know." I softly replied. "Maybe true love isn't for me." I said breaking the hug between Ben and I and shrugging my shoulders.

"Bullshit!" Ben said in a low growl, he pulled me back into his arms and covered my lips with his.

"Bullshit!" Ben said in a low growl, he pulled me back into his arms and covered my lips with his

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____________Author's Notes ____________

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And my little gift to you today is...........

Ben Crawford 😉😉😉_______________________________________

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Ben Crawford 😉😉😉

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