Forever ♡

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Nishinoya reaches out towards nothing in general. He had been feeling numb ever since the incident with Asahi, Nishinoya sighed and headed to his washroom.

He opened his cabinet and popped a pill into his mouth and drank some water right after, taking a small gaze at the razor that sat beside his phone.

He glanced at his phone on the shelf amongst all the products he uses for his hair, mostly hair gel and hair spray. It was set on lock, he shrugged and pocketed his phone, ignoring the existence of the razor.

He decided to take a walk outside to clear his mind. He greeted his neighbor and bid him goodbye just as fast. He took a hike up a hill, and smiled seeing a few kids running around, they were around his height, probably around 3rd or 4th grade.

One of them slipped into an accident prone area, luckily, Nishinoya was able to grab his hand and get him back onto the pavement. However, an unfortunate fate befell the teen once the kid was safe.

Nishinoya slipped and fell off the cliff side. The three kids screamed out, Nishinoya could only watch as his life flashed right before his eyes.

Nishinoya passed out from the impact of the fall, waking up hours later. He could only feel the pain in his side, a soft hiss of distaste escaped his mouth, he glanced down and saw a large gash on his stomach, it wasn't deep, but it was deep enough to paralyze his body.

He wondered when they would find him, it seemed like it was near midnight. He tried to scream out so they could find him faster, but he couldn't, he couldn't do much without making death come faster to him. He assumed he wouldn't last unless he would be found soon, and that didn't seem to be the case either.

He softly chuckled, wincing at the pain as he thought back on his life.

The feeling of the razor's blade sliding against his skin returned to his memory, he watched as the blood slowly trickled down his leg, shakily repeating until he ran out of room on his left leg, repeating the same action on his right.

The feeling of Asahi's embrace each time they scored a point, reminding Nishinoya of how warm and homely he was. Nishinoya could only reminisce what his hug would feel like.

Slowly he no longer felt his hunger...

“Ah... I'm leaving soon... Aren't I...?” He muttered softly. He could no longer feel his thirst. A soft, content smile graced his lips as his vision slowly faded. The last thing he could hear was the peaceful chirping of the birds, signaling that it was daylight now.

Asahi sighed as he turned on the TV to have some sort of background noise while he cooked, no surprise it was playing the recent news.

'This just in! 16 year old, Karasuno high school student, Nishinoya Yuu found dead!'

Asahi froze as he turned his attention to the TV.

'According to police, his body was found 24 hours after his death, our sincerest condolences to his parents, siblings, and those who he was close with'

'3 third graders reported to have been there when the accident had happened, and a search team was sent out as soon as they found an adult who called the police'

'Yes, according to the 3, he had been taking a walk when one of the three slipped and Nishinoya had caught him and saved his life, in turn for his own as he slipped and fell into his unfortunate demise'

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