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Still Mike POV
"...Back to the basement!" I said in my terrible British accent. I smile at her as she passes me. When we get back to the basement, Lucas is ranting about Max.
"I swear she wants nothing to do with me!"
"That's okay Lucas I know how you feel." I replied, everyone thinks that I'm talking about El, but I'm not.
"Betrayed is how I feel. She's off flirting with everyone who hates me!" He throws a price of pizza crust back on his plate.
"Hey can I talk to you guys for a second?" I say to the Dustin, Lucas and Will.
"Yeah sure." The all say and follow me to the other side of the room.
Y/n POV (finally lol)
      Jeez he is SO hung up on El. Is El actually all he talks about?!
I walked over to the table to get some more food.
       I can hear every word, guys.
"...she reminds me of EL. We had a moment in the fort, which you ruined, thanks Will... She barely talks, death glares..."
      'El's fort!' 'Ohmigod El I'm so in love with you!' 'I know how you feel Lucas!' 'Death glares'?!?!?! El talk way more than me! I'm right here Mike. Right. Here.
My eyes started to tear up.
I slam my plate down on the table and walk to the door that leads outside. I is pen it and go out. I take about 15 long strides before someone stoped me.
"Y/n! Hey! Stop!"
It's Mike.
      Great, good going dipshit.
I stop.
"Are you okay?" He asks. I still haven't turned around.
           No Mike! I'm not fucking okay! I've liked you a lot for several years and now here we are, hanging out, and all you can talk about is your ex-whore! I've only said three words in my entire shitty life! Three! I deal with depression and anxiety and bullying! I don't eat properly, I don't sleep properly! I've slit my wrists many times! I have no friends and my entire family thinks that I'm a lost hope! I'm a broken person, Mike. And I can't be fixed!
I turned around, fuming. Mike is looking at me with a concerned look on his face. I start walking towards the house. When I passed Mike, I opened my mouth and in a croaky voice, I said;
"I'm fine."
       Congrats bitch,  five words.

Word count - 401

Ok so y/n used her lovely voice !!! Well it would be a bit croaky cause y/n doesn't talk, like, at all. You all have lovely voices !!!
Ok so I'm gonna take a minute to talk about this,,, depression is nothing to joke about, neither is suicide or being suicidal, please if you are feelings no down, find someone to talk to, ask your parents to find you a therapist, talk to your parents, or a trusted friend, or you can talk to me if you want. :) I saw this on insta and I'm gonna day it here:
"I would rather hear about your depression than hear about your death." And I'm sure your friends and family would fell the same.
I love you all !!!! Stay cool :)

— the author of this story that was somewhat planned but will probably go nowhere

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