Twenty Four

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Will POV
Y/n jumped. She hit the water with a splash.
I can't believe she did it.
Tears formed in my eyes, the others, especially Mike and Max, were screaming. The tears started rolling down my cheeks.
I then heard a twig break.
The leaves were rustling behind us.
I turn around as the person steps into view.

Mike POV
"NOOOO! Y/NNNN!" My voice cracked as warm tears streamed down my face.
"I loved her..."
She was lying head down in the water below.
She wasn't moving.
Y/n was dead.
Someone walked up next to me.
Sure enough, El was standing right beside me.
She smiled at me as she rubbed my back. She then took her hand away from me.
She then closed her eyes and extended her arm towards y/n. El's nose started to bleed.
We all saw it.
"What the—?" Dustin and Max started.
A blue light glowed from El's hand, it got bigger and bigger before shooting down to y/n's dead body.
Slowly but surely, her body began to float upward, blue light encasing her body.
We backed up and y/n's body landed in front of us.
El's nose was streaming blood.
Is she crying too?

I was walking around in the area when I heard yelling and then a splash.
"The fuck?"
           Was someone really crazy enough to jump from the cliff?
I walked out of the bushes and Will already knew I was there.
Him, Lucas, Mike, Dustin and Max(...?) were all crying and screaming.
          What happened?
I walked over beside Mike to comfort him.
I looked down and I saw y/n face down in the blue-green water below.
            I didn't think she'd actually do it.
I closed my eyes extended my hand, trying to recall my powers.
It seemed to work, because I heard the others muttering; something about a blue light.
In my head I could see y/n seeing the future.
All of our endings were bad. Very bad.
I started crying.
I started backing up because I could sense y/n's body floating back onto the cliff.
I opened my eyes and y/n was lying in front of us (facing up). She wasn't breathing or moving.

Mike POV
Y/n landed in front of us.
Her y/e/c (your eye colour) eyes were open and blankly staring at the sky, mouth agape. Her hair was wet, as were her clothes and her body was limp and slightly pale. The blood had washed off her arms and we could see all the cuts she had done to herself.
She was lifeless.
A new wave of tears flowed down my face.
I kneeled down beside her and put my forehead on her chest (a/n: not in a weird way,, you nasties).
Dustin put his hand on my shoulder before he too sat down beside me. Everyone else, except El, sat down too.
El went to kneel beside her—.
"NO!" My voice cracked yet again as I yelled at El. Everyone looked at me, shocked.
"Mike..." Lucas says.
"I— I didn't know she would actually do it..." El admitted.
El looked down.
I had a point.
"I.. I shouldn't have. I don't know why I did. I guess I was jealous that practically nobody hated her. I thought that I hated her. But I didn't.
"There's nothing to excuse what I did." Her face lit up for a moment; "I... I could try to revive her."
We all backed up so that El could have space to do her thing.
El stuck her hand out over y/n. She was concentrating very hard, it seemed.
We gasped as sparks flew out of El's hand and into y/n's mouth. Her eyes and cheeks lit up for a few second, but then darkened again.
"I... don't think you can... bring back the dead." Dustin said sadly.
          He's right you know. It's general knowledge.
The little voice inside my head was right.
We all cried in silence to mourn y/n, including El.
"What the fuck is this?"
We turned to see that Troy had stepped out of the bushes.
We all got up.
"Oh so the little bitch is dead now," He said it as a statement, not a question, "good."
That seemed to be the very last straw before everyone flipped their shit. We all ran toward him, we barely got 5 steps before and invisible force pushed and held us back.
El walked freely in front.
She stopped about 12 meters from Troy.
Suddenly, a rock floated up beside El.

El was also pushed back by an invisible force.
          What the actual fuck?
Troy looked really freaked out. He was staring, petrified behind us.
Purple now glowed behind us. A figure floating forward.
It was y/n.
(*le gasp*)
Her hair was floating and her eyes were glowing purple. She looked mad.
She thrusted her arm in front of her and the rock beside her went wizzing at Troy and smacked him in the head.
There was a gash in his forehead. He decided to run, but y/n wasn't done with him yet. She flew up in the air. A gush of wind blew Troy over. More rocks went flying at him. He was now stumbling into the forest.
Y/n came down.
She landed on the ground softly and her purple aura faded away.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Those were the emotions that replaced the purple in her eyes. She the. Fell to her knees. Her shoulders were heaving sobs.
We all ran into a group hug.
I kissed y/n's head. "I can't believe you're alive." And yes, it was possible for me to produce more tears at this time.
"Same here dude." She giggled crying at the same time.
We all sat there for a bit, talking, joking, laughing.
We eventually decided that we should all head home. We said our goodbyes and started heading home.
"Let me walk you home?" I asked y/n.
"Okay." For the first time ever, y/n seemed happy.
On the way back to her house we talked about almost everything.
Y/n's parents seemed worried when we got to hers, as it was late.
"Hey mom, dad?" Y/n said,
Her mom and dad dropped the plates that they were holding and rushed over to her.
"Oh my goodness!" Y/n's mom said as they hugged her tightly.
"Woah!" Y/n didn't seem too comfortable with her parents hugging her.
"Can mike stay for dinner?"
           Wait what?
They looked at each other for a minute.
"Of course sweetheart." Her dad told her.
"We're happy that you're talking now. As long as you're happy."

Mike stayed for dinner that night. We had many more dinner parties with all of our families after that.

        I'm actually happy now.

Word count - 1193
Ok. I'm actually very happy with how the story turned out.
Stay cool, wash your hands, drink water, stay safe and stay awesome.
I love each and every one of you guys.

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