Twenty Three

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Narrator POV
Y/n's body hit the water with great force. Her body went below the blue-green surface for a few moments before floating up to the top, where she stayed head down in the cold water.
The others above were all crying whilst holding each other back. They saw that y/n was truly dead.
The others could only hear each other's wails and shouts as Will turned because he heard shuffling and twigs snapping in the leaves behind them.

Ghost Y/n POV
I guess my life left my body as it hit the water. I looked peaceful when I was dead. Then my body floated to the surface. Ghost me stood up on the surface of the quarry. Hearing shouts from above I looked up.
I could see the silhouettes of my friends beside the edge. Another figure appeared beside them. They were too far up to tell who it was.
Before I knew it, there was a blue light emanating from the new person. The blue light flew fast at my ghost and body.

I could see a white pinpoint in the distance. The white dot became bigger until it was almost blinding.
The white faded to show that I was in Mr. Clarke's classroom. The date on the board showed that it was a few weeks from now.
Mr. Clarke was teaching a lesson, but not with the same excited air he usually has. Nobody seemed to notice me. That was fine. The class didn't seem as cheerful as it used to be.
Most people seemed normal but I noticed that The Party and Max were all distant or zoned out. Max's hair looked greasy and there were dark circles under her eyes.
Mike looked dead, he wasn't dead though. He had even darker circles then Max. He sat in his seat staring at the ground.
Will looked sad, his eyes didn't have the same excited looking gleam like they usually did.
Dustin was moving his pencil back and forth making scribbles on his desk, totally zoned out.
Lucas was ripping up his papers and it seemed that his last three meals were on his shirt.
The world went into time lapse.
Then it went normal.
The bell rang. I was following El. She walked to Troy.
"Hey babe, He greeted her. When she didn't answer he got mad, "HEY! We hated that bitch. We wanted her to die. Don't look so upset."
El continued skulking.
She was now at her house, eating with her dad. She was picking at her Eggos.
Time lapse backwards, back to Mr. Clarke's classroom.
The bell range again. Max left before anyone else had made it to the door. I sort of floated along with her as she ran very fast she stopped several times. She was heaving breath in and out. She clutched her chest and stomach.
Time lapse again.
Max was in her room.
It was 2:58 am.
There was a plate of food that had been half eaten.
Max lay in bed, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"First Billy. Then y/n?"
Another time lapse, a long one this time, I must've gone ahead several years. I was in the police station, chief Hopper had apparently moved to another city.
The old deputy, who I presume was now the new chief, was talking to a random citizen;
"I assure you, Mad Max won't be vandalizing your house or anyone else's house ever again. She won't be doing grand theft either. She's locked up for good."
Max ended up in jail?
Everything faded. The rest of The Party's history since I had jumped came in flashes;
Will shaved his head. Went into this whole punk phase. He didn't go to college, instead he joined a cult until he was deemed 'too old' to continue being a part of the cult and had been sacrificed at the age of 40.
Lucas continued to be bullied, just like the rest of The Party, but worse than the others. He ended up in an office in New York. Constantly being victim of racism at work. His wife divorced him and took the kids with her after 15 years. Which launched him into a depression.
Dustin's mom's health dipped severely.
I hope that it wasn't my fault.
He was always helping his mom, they couldn't afford to hire a nurse. He never got time to rest and had to drop out of high school in grade eleven. Suzie has tried to help him but he could rarely talk to her. After his mom died he spent the rest of his life living in the same house taking care of 10 cats.
Time lapse, I went back to that day in Mr. Clarke's class again.
The bell rang. Mike picked up his bag sadly and slowly walked out of the class. I followed him down the hall, my heart lurched every time he got shoved into a locker. He kept going as though nothing had happened. The tears started rolling down his cheeks when he got out of the school.
The world time lapsed again.
I was know in the Wheelers dining room where they were having dinner. Ted was just wolfing down his dinner because he is literally a fucking robot.
Mrs. Wheeler sighed several times. Nancy was eating slowly, even Holly seemed to know that something was up.
Mike wasn't touching his food.
"Mike, you need to eat. You've barely eaten in the past few days." Mrs. Wheeler tried to tempt him.
Mike picked up his fork and started playing with his food.
Time lapse again.
I was upstairs now. Nancy opened her door as Mike walked past.
"Mike. I know y/n meant a lot to you, but you e got to take care of yourself.
Y/n would want you to live a long happy life."
Why would she want me to live a long happy life when she...
It wasn't me who thought that. It was Mike.
(A/n: Mike's thoughts are in bold italics)
"Y/n wouldn't like the way you've been going. Mom is getting worried. You need to talk sometime."
Wait, Mike's gone mute?
Mike walked to his room and shut the door.
Time lapse.
I'm now in Mike's room. It's dark as the clock read 3:45 am. Mike was sitting on his bed looking out the window, tears streaming down his face.
"Why?" He whispered.
"Why?" He whispered again, his head was in his hands as his fingers ran through his hair.
"I wasn't happy Mike. I never was." I answered even though I knew he couldn't hear me.
The world did another time lapse, a long one this time.
I was now standing in the middle of the street in front of the store that Joyce worked at. I go to check the newspaper to check how far I had gone ahead.
'(The day after your birthday), 1994.'
The front page gave me quite a shock.
The headline read:
'Local man found dead.'
'Last night, Mike Wheeler was found dead in his home. There was blood all over his bed from presumed self-harm cuts. Several cigarette butts and empty alcohol bottles were found in his room with him. His autopsy revealed that, not only had he been smoking and heavily drinking, but he had overdosed on his antidepressants. His family states that he went into a severe depression after his friend Y/n
L/n killed herself at Sattler Quarry nine years ago...'
The article went on. I couldn't read anymore of it. I broke down n the middle of the street.
No... No...
I was in sobbing hysterically.
Cars now came down the road. I jumped in front of one. It knocked the wind out of me.
My sobs that only I could hear echoed throughout the street.
I ran.
And ran.
And ran.
I ran to the Quarry again and immediately jumped, again.
It hurt, but I was already dead so I floated to the top. Still crying.
Blue light flashed again.
Once again everything went black.

Word count - 1355
Holy shit this was a long chapter.
So basically she was seeing what her friends' lives were gonna be like after she killed herself. Obviously they weren't very happy ones.
We got a real tree for Christmas this year, and it decided to fall over for no reason. And I went long boarding in a onesie because I felt like it.
Please be nice to yourselves and others.
Drink water, wash your hands, stay safe, stay cool and stay awesome.
I love every one of you guys.

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