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Chapter One: Byun Baekhyun


"MOM! MOM!" Baekhyun shouted as he immediately entered their house. Her mother immediately greeted her with a spoon because she was cooking.

"What's with the rush?!" Mrs.Byun shouted back.

"MOM! OUR MAYOR IS LOOKING FOR SCHOLAR!!" Baekhyun said happily. Her mother's eyes widened and she immediately smiled. He knows that Baekhyun has a big dream in his life and he wants to go to Seoul to graduate and find a job because he promises his parents that he will take it out of hardship.

"R-Really?! Will the Mayor take you?!" Mrs.Byun replied. Baekhyun nodded with a smile. "Y-Yes, mom! I'm the representative of the high school bag and you know I can pass that exam mom!" Mother Byun immediately hugged his son and jumped for joy.

"Oh god, Your dad needs to know this, Yeobo! Yeobo!" Baekhyun's mother called and Baekhyun's father came out of the room. Baekhyun's father instantly approached Mrs.Byun and his son, Baekhyun.

Baekhyun's father is a farmer and somehow they can eat every day because of the rice harvest and planting, his mother is just at home and sometimes the laundry receives clothes from the neighbors, so Baekhyun has a great opportunity to getting him a Scholar especially in this City yet. It is also one of his dreams.

"Why are you having fun there?" Baekhyun's father asked. Mrs.Byun approached Mr.Byun and immediately told the good news that came from their son Baekhyun. "I-is that true son?" Mr.Byun asked incredulously. Baekhyun nodded and smiled. Mr.Byun immediately smiled because of the news that reached him. You thought Baekhyun's father won the lottery because he was so happy.

"HEY NEIGHBORS! MY CHILD WILL BE A SCHOLAR IN SEOUL! HE CAN GO TO SEOUL! MY NEIGHBORHOOD!" Mr.Byun shouted and Baekhyun was embarrassed to look at the neighbors who were looking at him and praised him and he was happy with the support of his countrymen.

Baekhyun woke up from the sunlight and immediately got up. This is the day he will know that if he enters the scholarship given by the Mayor. He immediately took a shower and put on his uniform and went out for breakfast.

"Good morning son, have your breakfast." His mother said kindly and with a smile, Baekhyun sat in a vacant seat. Because every day they almost eat together as a family. his Dad, Mom, and Baekbeom. Right now they are waiting for their older brother Baekbeom.

"Where's Baekbeom?" Baekhyun asked while scooping up fried rice. When you are rich, your breakfast is light meals but because they are just poor Baekhyun, he eats heavy meals every morning so that he can save money after lunch.

"He's coming out, Baekbeom come here and eat!" His father shouted so Baekbeom came out of fresh from the bath, his hair is wet like he is going somewhere.

"Are you going somewhere?" Baekhyun's mother asked Baekbeom. Baekbeom nodded and sat down next to Baekhyun. "Good morning Baek." Bati is Baekbeom. "Ah yes, Mom, Dad. I have something to teach today." Baekbeom replied. This is the sideline of Baekhyun's older brother. He is good at riding horses so he visits the other province just to teach. Aside from his good shape and handsome face, he also has talent.

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