- twentyfour

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Chapter Twentyfour: Mr.Park


"Next time, let's see ChanHyun again," Baekhyun said to Chanyeol as they entered the mansion.

"Sure," Chanyeol replied with a smile, and he looked at Lay, who suddenly appeared.

"Oh, Lay hyung?" Chanyeol saw the expression on Lay's face. Lay's look is serious. Chanyeol knew Lay had something important to say to him.

"Baekhyun, can you excuse us?" Lay said seriously, and Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun. Baekhyun nodded and left. Lay and Chanyeol were gone in the living room.


"Your dad is here, and he wants to talk to you. In the conference room. Now." Lay said seriously and walked ahead. Chanyeol frowned and did nothing but follow Lay and go to the Conference Room.

Chanyeol thought. He wonders why his father suddenly came and never said he was coming.


"Have a seat, Chanyeol." Chanyeol looked at Lay, but he immediately went out the door and left Chanyeol and his father. 

"I thought...you're staying in Hawaii for weeks?" Chanyeol asked. "I came here because something came up." Chanyeol's father answered and placed a brown envelope in front of Chanyeol.

Chanyeol looked at his father and took the envelope.

"What is this?" Chanyeol asked curiously and opened the envelope. He frowned when he saw a picture of a woman.

"She's Mabel Yuan. She's China's President Daughter," Chanyeol looked at his father as his forehead crumpled.

"And?" Chanyeol asked.

"You gonna meet her by next two weeks, and get ready for the arranged marriage--"

"What? Dad? Marriage?"

"I will arrange your marriage with her, Chanyeol. We can't lose her. Her family can help a lot in our business--"

"Dad, wait. I don't want to." Chanyeol returned the envelope to his father and stood up. "I'm still not ready for that, and you know I hate to arrange marriage!"

"Chanyeol, sit down." Mr.Park massage his temple, and Chanyeol was about to explode like a volcano.

"You're single, and you know I will inherit the Park Group to you," Mr. Park said seriously, and Chanyeol snorted.

"I seriously don't want to, I'm just helping the company, and I have no intention of handling it," Chanyeol said, Mr.Park laughs. 

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