Chapter 41- Watch Your Back

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You know that feeling when you walk down a crowded hallway, and it seems like everyone is talking about you? Like all normal-volume conversations magically stop as soon as you walk by, immediately being replaced by much more hushed tones, and every single person in the crowd turns to look at you?

Yeah, I'm experiencing that right now.

On what should be like any other typical day of school, I'm feeling entirely exposed, my personal space and privacy being mercilessly encroached upon by people who otherwise would pay me absolutely no attention. While I'm pretty sure that nothing has really changed in my life to elicit such a response from my peers, I'm still wholly aware that it appears the entire school is gossiping about me this morning. As much as I should have expected it, there was a part of me that had held onto the hope that I could remain a background character for just a little longer. Is this Serena's doing? Has she already plotted her revenge against me, and this is the first step in paying me back for the humiliation I've recently caused her?

I don't know, but I definitely don't like this.

I keep my head down, winding my way through the mass of people while trying not to make eye contact with any of them and simultaneously attempting not to accidentally overhear anything they're saying about me. I don't really want to know the most recent rumors; I have enough on my plate as it is. When I finally reach my locker, the murmuring of the other students grows louder--another sign that I'm the hot topic of the hour.

Maybe I should have just stayed home today. Wouldn't it be nice if I could just disappear right now? I suppose I could stuff myself into my locker; however, I think that would actually make things worse by giving these people just one more reason to talk about me. Still trying to ignore the things happening around me, I unload my backpack and shove my books into my locker, hoping that if I don't react to the scene, people will get bored and move on with their lives.


"Good morning, Sunshine," Parker's voice says from beside me, alerting me to the first positive presence I've seen this morning. I glance in his direction, biting down on my bottom lip; I want nothing more than to curl into him right now and hide myself away. Something in my face must betray my feelings because Parker's face contorts into a concerned expression almost instantly. "Are you okay?" he asks quietly.

I nod my head, even though I don't think I really am okay. Regardless of how I'm feeling, I don't really want to let everyone know they're affecting me like this. Locking my particularly wet eyes with Parker's, I whisper, "I think everyone is talking about me."

Like a knight in shining armor coming to my rescue, Parker puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into a side hug. Pressing his lips against my ear, he comfortingly assures me, "I've got you." My cheeks flush red at the meaning behind his words, and I can't stop the strange happiness that suddenly blooms in my chest.

He's got me?

I allow myself to relax into his embrace, resting my head on his shoulder as he holds me close as if he's trying to protect me from the outside world. I'm not sure if Parker knows how incredibly soothing I find his presence; maybe I should tell him someday. For now, though, I'll just silently soak it in to capacity.

"Hey, Parker," a female voice says from behind us, the flirty tone making me cringe slightly.

Parker doesn't acknowledge the girl, though--no, he's far too busy whispering sweet things in my ear. "I'm here for you, Sunshine. I'm not going anywhere, okay? If they all continue looking at us, then we can give them a real show."

Listening to the things he's telling me makes my entire body flood with warmth; I'm pretty sure my face is literally on fire right now.

"Parker!" the female voice screeches, much louder this time, her tone sounding entirely offended by being so blatantly ignored. Parker rolls his eyes before turning to see who is trying so hard to get his attention. As he moves, his arm remains wrapped firmly around me, causing me to turn, as well.

Of course, it's Serena.

"What do you want, Serna?" he asks, his disdain for her evident on his face. "I'm a little busy right now."

She looks him up and down as flirtatiously as possible, gazing up at him from beneath her long lashes. Her tongue darts out to wet her glossy bottom lip before she smiles in what I can only assume is supposed to be a sultry way and says, "My parents will be out of town this weekend, so I'll have the whole house to myself. I was wondering if you wanted to come over, and... you know..."

Without even a second of hesitation, Parker replies, "I can't, Serena. I'll be with Morgan." Pulling me closer to him to ensure he gets his point across, he adds, "We've got another date this weekend."

Another... date...?

Serena's face flares red, and I'm almost positive that mine mirrors hers; however, for much different reasons. Her nostrils flare with anger, and her left eye twitches as she narrows her gaze at me. Without thinking, I involuntarily press myself even closer to Parker, eliminating the space between us almost entirely as I watch the steam practically pour out of Serena's ears. While she doesn't say anything aloud, she mouths, "Watch your back" at me while Parker is distracted by tenderly brushing my hair from my face.

Well, this is just great.

I'm sure that someday, Serena Harrison will be the cause of my ultimate demise. Perhaps I won't even need to take care of that little problem by myself at the end of the year; with the way things are going, I won't even make it that long, anyway... If Serena has any say in the matter.

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