My Pretty bunny

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The next day taehyung did as he promised to his bunny he called Namjoon and cancelled his schedules for the day. They had breakfast at the nearby cafe and then went to a very expensive shopping centre with many branded brands where taehyung usually comes, many employees greeted him at the store.

"Good afternoon sir can I help you "

"No thanks we will choose by ourselves " Taehyung replied

"It seems like you are their daily customer everyone knows you "

"Yes I'm their special customer I usually buy so many clothes that I don't even wear later but I like them "

"Wow so that's what rich people do, I really don't have any special choice I love dark and baggy clothes. I have always went with Lucas for shopping he use to make me wear clothes and then if he likes it on me we would buy it. "

"So does that means that Lucas has seen you naked isn't it " Taehyung said with a sarcastic chuckle.

"W-what no way Lucas is too good to do such cheap things he always turns around while I change. "

"How are you so sure about it you can't even see if he does or not "

"Tae whats up with you , I trust him because he is my friend why are you exaggerating it so much "

"I'm sorry I just, I don't like him , well leave that topic "


Taehyung choose some clothes for jungkook , and by some it means almost the whole store ( not exactly)

"Taehyung are you serious that's too much " Jungkook said picking up a mountain of clothes.

"Oh sorry I couldn't decide what to take ,in my opinion you would look good in all these " Taehyung said innocently and jungkook sighed.

"Ahh now I have to choose among these, you stay back and don't bring anymore clothes over here " Jungkook said and started choosing from the pile of clothes with the help of a staff while taehyung was pouting and sitting there watching his boyfriend .

"It wouldn't be so hard to choose if we buy all of them "

" Bla bla bla I can't hear you " Taehyung sighed and got up he looked around the store, he reached towards the women section where his eyes caught something. He couldn't help but imagine his bunny in it looking so beautiful. He turned and saw jungkook busy in digging the clothes he secretly went on the counter and purchased it without him noticing.

After sometime jungkook selected some clothes and taehyung payed for it.

"Baby you sure you don't want more "

"No tae it's enough for me " They both got out and went to a coffee shop while sipping their coffee taehyung can't help but smile at their first interaction, how he tricked jungkook to go on a coffee date with him it was a good memory. He hold jungkook's hand and look at jungkook straight in the eyes.

"I love you " He said and jungkook smiled his bunny smile while putting his other hand on taehyung's hand and replied.

"I love you too " Jungkook said his eyes shinning so brightly which made taehyung think that even darkness is so beautiful it's as if jungkook holds a whole galaxy in those pretty big eyes.

They both wandered the whole afternoon, playing games ( basically taehyung helping his baby ) trying street foods and buying many things. They both spend their afternoon like a typical couples. Jungkook never thought that he could enjoy so much , he usually never go out because he is scared to get lost or got into an accident but now he has his Taehyungie who has become his eyes and he trust him with his whole life.

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