part 27

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"Raven my clothes aren't fitting I am getting too big I can't do this!" I cry she starts laughing at me and I stomp why is she laughing.

"Stop laughing all of my sweat pants are different and I can't fit my jeans if I wear a dress I look weird and I can't even wear a skirt because my ass is too fat. I am also pent up I want sex!" I rant she laughs even more and I see someone come in and it's my mom with a worried look I cry to her explaining everything.

"Do you want a pair of my jeans, I know your body is gonna change but baby showing your pregnant belly is beautiful. I loved how you dressed." She explains trying to cheer me up I look up at her with tears eyes.

"Really do I look nice?" I ask her she nods and hugs me I smile and pick out my best outfit so I can look hot and sexy. I put on a black mini skirt, a long-sleeve white shirt, and some vans I put on eyeliner and lipstick I fix up my hair into space buns, and grab my bag. When I come out I look in the mirror and smile my stomach looks cute I look cute.

"See princessa you look good now come we have to go your grandparents are waiting." She says I nod and head downstairs I see Jessica and Carlos I go up to them and hug them they have been going through things trying to find him.

"You look so cute today." Jessica exclaims I thank her she kisses my forehead Carlos rubs my belly.

"Thank you so much I hope you guys are doing well." I say they nod and I turn and see Bae walking up to me she tries to speak but I look away and flip her off that's what you get you backstabbing bitch. I smile again when I see Sebastian, Roberto, and Alex they hug me and Sebastian rubs my belly smiling brightly.

"Hello baby it's your favorite uncle can you kick for me." he asks and I swat him away.

"Andiamo ora, voglio farla finita!" He says my dad always gets upset when he has to see his parents and mom's parents at the same time they always seem to pick on him.

(let's go now I wanna get this over with!)


"Oh, my babies come here." Grandma Elenora says they all get up and hug her I take a seat and they look at me funny I smile and take out a piece of candy.

"Mavis get up and give us a hug." My grandma says and I sigh noting getting up I go to hit my grandma and she gasps looking down she turns me to the side and gasps again.

"Lei è incinta." She says and I smack my head grandma Elenor turns and comes over to me placing her hand on my stomach rubbing it.

(She's pregnant.)

"Perché è incinta ha solo 16 anni non è nemmeno sposata!" She yells I giggle and take a seat as the old people talk amongst one another. In 3, 2, 1.

(why is she pregnant she is only 16 she is not even married.)

"LORENZO!" I hear grandpa Franco call my dad sighs and walks to him.

"Yes, father."

"Dov'eri eh? Impegnato a fare altre cose per prendersi cura di tua figlia eh!" He yells smacking him against his head I laugh and go to my grandpa hugging him.

(Where were you huh? Too busy doing other things to take care of your daughter huh!)

"Grandpa it's not his fault I chose to keep it so please don't take it out on dad." I say trying to help him out he sighs stopping he pats my head and walks away.

"Well then how many months are you sugar plum." My nonna asks, that's my mom's mother, I sit rubbing my belly.

"5 months today." I say and she smiles and comes to rub my belly.

"Father?" My nonno asks that's my mom's dad, I shake my head he nods. This is going to be hard.

"Look I am fine okay I want my baby and I love it no matter what do can you guys just calm down jeez, now I need air." I say getting up I walk out of the house and decide to take a walk and get some air. I take deep breaths I can't stress it is not good for the baby.

"You what baby I can't wait until you are born I am gonna get us a house and it will be me and you." I explain little flutters happen in my stomach and I smile rubbing it. I relax a bit more before going back.

"Sorry, guys I just need to clear my head." I say walking back in the nod and I take a swat my nonna hands me a cup of hot liquid.

"It's chamomile tea drink it it helps to keep you calm and sleep well." She says I nod and take a sip. They explain to me that they support me and they apologized for acting out earlier.

"But I still have one question." My nonno asks men nod and gr sighs, "Where is the father?"

"Don't know and don't care." I say bluntly I take another sip of the tea it is very relaxing and tastes great. "Honestly I am fine being a single parent I mean it can't be that hard. Right?"

"No, it's very hard a lot of people have to give up their children because they can't take care of them." Grandma Elenor I nod I mean I knew this but I feel like with my advantages it wouldn't be hard, I think to myself.

"Well, I think I can do it especially if I have the best family." I say smiling and they aw at my response. We spend the rest of the day enjoying each others company now it's time to leave and we hug and say our goodbyes. I get in the car with my parents and kick my shoes off. They start the car and we leave driving off.

"Princessa you know your brother loves you right." My dad says I hum in agreement.

"And he is really trying to apologize to you." He says I sigh and sit up.

"I don't want to talk to him ever again neither don't want to talk to her. It was not their place to say any of that do they both can suck my dick." I explain to him he laughs access and my mom sights.

"Language," she says and I apologize and relax.

"You know what I will talk to him and her let's make it a family meeting." I say smiling. My mom claps and my dad nods happily. I just hoped everybody is prepared.


"Come everybody we have a family meeting." I say walking into the house everybody goes to the living room and takes a seat. I walk up to Dante and Bae making them stand. I have a group hug with them. And they squeeze me right.

"I forgive you guys." I say to them and Bae kisses my cheek so does Dante. I pull back and smile.

"I forgive you two especially you Bae for sneaking behind my back and banging my brother after we promised to never act on each other's crushes." I say smiling she gasps and starts to tear up I nod and pat her shoulder.

"Mavis I never meant to-," she tries to explain but I stop her it's a too late sweetheart.

"It's okay I forgive you. And you Dante it's okay I forgive you for betraying me and banging my best friend." I say patting his shoulder he sighs and shakes his head.

"But be careful when banging your sibling's best friend, because you never know what might happen." I say rubbing my belly he rocks his brow and  I wink at him rubbing my belly.

"Mavis, what do you mean?" He asks I smile and laugh.

"What I mean is safe sex is the best sex or else you might end up like me just ask Alejandro." I say smiling I kiss my parent's goodbye and leave saying goodbye to my stunned family before walking out and getting into my car driving to my loft. Tonight was a good night I smile.

*cats out of the bag lol anyway hope you like it. Stay safe 😘✌🏾*

Xoxo Chocolat Queen

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