Levi + Epileptic Reader

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 Warning: There will be an epileptic fit (seizure) in this one which could be sensitive content for some people⚠️⚠️⚠️

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Warning: There will be an epileptic fit (seizure) in this one which could be sensitive content for some people⚠️⚠️⚠️

Words: 2275

*This Entire OS is from Levi's POV/ written as if you the reader is Levi*

You walked through the hall, despite your strong stature and imposing air, your footsteps were light as they always were. You barely made a sound. You knew where you were heading and took the most direct route, you were heading to one of your squads room, (Y/N) (L/N)'s room. She was one of your top squad members and you did often go to her just before every expedition to go over the plan, especially when it comes to secure and important information. You didn't have to do this you just like to get a third and outside opinion away from the higher ups.

That wasn't the only reason you went to her to do this type of thing, it was also because, to put it lightly, you had become attached to the girl. You loved her, you never thought that in your life you would end up in love with someone, but here you are... spending all of your free time trying to think of ways to spend time with (Y/N), like an obsessive schoolgirl. It was embarrassing to admit this but luckily most people stayed far far away from you and did not read into anything you did, well everyone but Hange.

Fucking four eyes, nothing could escape her notice, it took a maximum of two days for her to come to you with her discovery, and probably much less than that for her to figure it out. You grumbled under your breath at the embarrassment you felt when Hange slammed open your doors demanding to set you up on a date with (Y/N), that woman had absolutely no decorum, you hadn't even confessed to the girl yet and Hange was already planing out the rest of your life with her for you.

You huffed in annoyance, your once light footsteps turning heavy with annoyance, the grip you had on the papers in your hand tightening and crinkling them. Anytime you and the crazy woman came into contact she just stared at you with wide psychopathic eyes, it was extremely uncomfortable, and you felt like you were being stalked or something.

You shook your head to forget about it you were at (Y/N)'s door already, you cleared your throat and straightened your posture, you unconsciously adjusted your look so that you were less threatening before you made your entrance. When you were ready you knocked rhythmically on the door, then waited for the 'come in' but it never came.

Thinking she just didn't hear it you knocked again, and this time called out "(Y/N) it's Captain Levi Ackerman here to go over expedition information" you leant close to the door so that you didn't miss her reply.

There wasn't a reply, but you could hear movement in the room but also so bangs and scuffling that sounded extremely erratic, something was wrong. You debated it for a second, going in without the ok was against good manners and you could see something that would be awkward, but you had a big sense that something was very wrong and doing nothing could be disastrous.

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