Biker Levi + Reader Part 2

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This is Jackflap101 second part to his Biker Levi series, thank you for reading and he and I hopes you enjoy. He had also told me there will be another part to this. ❤️❤️

Words: 3926

Sunday was a sleepless one. You managed to get a good few hours in, but once the sun started to rise you decided against trying to sleep anymore and started the day. It was 9am by time you had gotten showered and dressed, so you had a full 6 hours till your first shift. Luckily, you wouldn't get bored, as you mother had sent over the rest of your things. It only took a few days for them to get here, as they were already packed up before you left a few weeks ago.

​"Where... to... start..." you sighed, your hands on your hips as you stared at the 15 or so boxes before you. It seemed like a lot for one person, but when you started to open them you realised you had packed pots, pans, sheets, towels and even one box just with a few blankets in. you started with the kitchen utensils, begrudgingly putting them away as you regretted not just leaving them and buying new ones once here.

Once you got to the blankets, you realised it was a good decision, as they all smelt of home; something you needed right now. You put them down on the sofa, not wanting to get distracted already. Halfway through the second or third box, you realised it was already too hot in here. You opened the window, letting in some fresh air to hide the slightly dusty smell of the boxes. You then moved onto the books, clothes, jewellery; the almost never ending supply of personal items.

By midday, you had fully unpacked and finally felt the tiredness approaching. "Why did I not just sleep?" you ask yourself, sitting on the sofa, kicking your feet up onto the coffee table.

You reach over pulling a blanket over you and got comfy, not fully realising what was happening. By time you realised that getting comfy under your favourite blankets was a mistake, it was already too late. You had already drifted off, thinking of home.

Your eyes fluttered open and you stretch your arms out wide while your mouth is forced open by a yawn. You roll over to look at your alarm clock, but you quickly realised this wasn't your bed. You rolled right off the sofa and onto the floor, bringing the blankets with you. "What time is it..." You mumble to yourself, reaching for your phone on the table. 2:55pm. "SHIT" You blurted out, scrambling to your room to get your shoes on. So much for waking up early. You rushed out the door, making sure to lock it behind you before bolting down the stairs to the ground floor.

Once across the road and in the car-park, you checked your phone and felt relieved that it wasn't 3pm yet. But in your attempt to rush, you didn't pay enough attention the cars around you. Someone pulling out of a space halted to a stop and blared their horn at you. You apologised, waving at the driver awkwardly while mouthing the words "Sorry".

You didn't have time to stop and properly apologise, so just kept walking towards the restaurant while facing the driver, who just shook their head disappointingly before starting to pull away again. Your mess of a morning got even messier, however, when you bump into someone. An overwhelming sense of déjà vu washed over you as you spun around to meet the familiar face you just crashed into.

Unfortunately, You were going at quite a speed this time, as to which you felt him stumble back a little, whatever was in his hand flying backwards splashing whatever was inside all over him and his bike.

​"Again, Brat?" He chided, sounding much more aggravated than last time. After his warning the other night, you hoped you would never get the opportunity to see him this mad. Especially when it concerned his bike.

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