Petra + Levi + Reader + Eren

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Words: 4327

You could feel a burning hot jealous gaze burrowing into the back of your head, a cold sweat started to roll down your back as you desperately tried to ignore it and focus on the man in front of you, your body went rigid as you tried to play off how uncomfortable you were. But the more you tried to act natural, the further you were from being normal.

"(Y/N)? Are you listening to me?" The man in front of you spoke catching your attention once again.

Your face immediately turned red, and you now started to sweat for a different reason "yes sir sorry Captain Levi, I've been feeling a bit under the weather today."

You felt a hand in your shoulder "why did you show up to training if your sick? Go and rest you'd only be doing more damage to yourself than good" Levi's eyes flicked over you.

A flash of concern flashed through his eyes and you almost got lost in those deep icy pools, but the gaze intensifying from behind quickly stopped you from getting too far "nothing to worry over sir I was only a little sick and I can't miss training for that."

Levi gave a short hmmmm in acknowledgment and another quick once over with his eyes, once he was satisfied his expression and body language shifted as he went back to instructing you, you were having trouble with a grappling move and Levi was nice enough to come over and help you with it. The best person to help you get the move was Levi, your partner not having anywhere near the same experience and skill as him... no offence to Eren.

Eren was your partner today... he was your partner everyday, you worked very well together but in terms of skill you were slightly better than him. So, if you were stuck with something Eren couldn't really help no matter how much he wanted to and it wasn't like you were complaining about being able to get close to your crush captain Levi. You were not trying to be creepy but during this training session you actually got to feel his rippling muscles below his this shirt, he actually let you practice one him and you were taking every opportunity.

Eren loved you, you knew that he did, he had already confessed to you. Unfortunately for him you didn't love him back you saw him as a brother and you loved Levi, you could take a chance and accept Eren's love hoping that you would grow to love him too as some people have told you to do, but it wasn't fair to Eren you'd feel a bit like you were cheating... loving someone else while being in a relationship with a different guy, Eren deserved someone who would love him back just as much as he loved them.

Eren right now was a little way away jealously watching Levi interacting with you, your relationship hadn't changed, you were still the best of friends and spent a lot of time together. But you didn't really pay attention to him right now and focused on the lesson with Levi. Levi tossed you again but caught you under the arms so that you didn't land flat on your back and hurt yourself, how the fuck does he do that? I'm supposed to be the one attacking him but the next thing I know my ass is flying through the air.

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