Jealous Levi + Reader

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You jumped slightly as an arm reached over your shoulder and place a steaming cup of black tea in front of you. The chair was pulled out beside you, a squeak of the legs on the floor making you cringe slightly. You nodded in thanks to Levi, a small smile appearing on your face as you blushed.

You hid the blush by lifting the tea cup to your lips and taking a sip, perfect, you thought. "Awe you two are so cute" Hange's familiar squeal cut through the chatter of the mess hall.

Before you could respond you felt a hand grab the side of your face and push it against Levi's. Hange smooshed the both of your cheeks together while making silly squeaky noises. Your hands slipped on your cup and the contents fell down your front, the cup itself smashing on the stone floor.

"Tsssss Hange" you hissed. You pushed her off you so that you could pull the shirt away from your skin the contents burning you, awe that was my favourite cup as well, you thought. It was the cup that Levi got you for your birthday it was very expensive and you had your eye on it for a while before Levi bought it for you.

You could feel your skin turning red from the hot tea "shitty glasses what the fuck is wrong with you" you heard Levi shout causing the entire mess hall to look your way.

"Ahhhh shorty. I'm sorry I just love you two it makes me feel fuzzy" she screamed running away from the furious man next to you.

"Hange this was my last shirt; the rest are waiting to be washed and repaired" you frowned also turning on the woman.

Hange opened her mouth to respond, but Levi beat her to it "Come with me brat I have a shirt you can use".

You heard Hange screech as Levi caught your wrist, to drag you down the hallway, the blush soon returned to your face as everyone watched you leave the mess hall together. It was no secret that you liked... no loved the short stoic man, he was cold yes, but something about him drew you in and over time you noticed your feelings for him frowning. It didn't help that he always seemed to drift closer to you especially when you also made captain.

Now walking down the corridor, still holding your shirt away from your body and Levi still holding your wrist, you couldn't help but look over to the man. You both made eye contact but didn't look away, both of you just silently looking at each other as you walked.

"So, you mentioned that you only had one shirt left. What happened to the others?" Levi asked suddenly.

"There all either ripped or dirty, or both, Hange keeps doing experiments with Eren and you know that I have to be there to pull him out of it if he gets in a rage" you laughed and nudged Levi playfully.

Immediately Levi went silent his face turning to stone, you couldn't read what he was thinking and it worried you greatly. You hated seeing him like this, to the untrained eye he hadn't changed at all but you could tell that he had grown softer and a lot less strict. He also hadn't stressed cleaned in a long while, sure he had cleaned but it wasn't a stress clean, which made you extremely happy. But this stone-cold look was like a step backwards to you.

You were able to say something to him but a voice cut you off "(Y/N)! Ummm and Captain sorry I didn't see you sir".

It was Eren, who instantly stiffly saluted to Levi "oh hey Eren, did you need something? I was just going to change so if it's something long or unimportant can it wait" you said.

"(Y/N)?" You heard from Levi beside you, he was frowning at the way Eren had addressed you by name rather than your title.

You didn't say anything to Levi as you had told Eren to address you that way, and you didn't want to antagonise Levi further as you had a feeling he'd go from 1-100 real quick "I just wanted to say hello, and also tell you that you'll be need for another of Hange's experiments later" Eren sweat dropped.

"Ok I'll be out in 10" you sighed.

"I'm sure you don't have to worry Hange will be at least 30 minutes later" Eren laughed making you laugh along with him, you could feel Levi's eyes digging into the side of your head during the whole exchange.

*Time Skip*

You sighed in boredom watching Eren in his Titan form, so far, he had remained in control, which meant that you hadn't been needed yet. You still had to be there though, just in case. If Eren freaked out you were the only person able to bring him out of it. Eren was working on his hand to hand combat while in Titan form and Hange was yelling random crazy things while her assistant Moblit was furiously writing down notes.

"Hey Brat!" A shout called from behind you.

"Oh, Levi are you ok?" You tilted your head in question.

"Yes, I was just wondering if you have a minute, I need a hand with some paperwork" he asked you placing a hand on the small of your back as he walked up beside you.

"I would love to, but I can't I have to stay here with Eren, encase, he you know.." you said truthfully.

You heard a low growl come from Levi, your eyes browns raised in question to his attitude "fine goodbye, I'll do it myself."

You grabbed Levi's wrist to stop him from walking away "Levi! If you wait for a second, I can help you in a bit".

"No, I don-" a loud roar cut Levi off.

You didn't mean to be rude, but you had to go. You flicked around fast and flew away from the man, Eren had begun freaking out and heading to HQ fast. If he got there, he would destroy the place and many scouts would loose their lives. You flew directly into his line of sight his eyes following you, he tried to swat you but you dodged his gigantic hand. You landed on his shoulder so you could speak directly into his ear.

"Eren! It's me (Y/N), you have to calm down you could seriously hurt someone" you spoke.

Eren stopped sharply almost making you fly from his shoulder, but your hooks kept you in place Eren still frozen. "Eren you can do this, ignore the rage and pull yourself out of the Titan. Follow my voice".

Your voice was soft as you kept talking to drown out the rage over taking him. Eventually cracks started forming on the attack titan's nape before Eren pulled himself free while screaming. You laughed as he then fainted, you grabbed him before the Titan fell and flew him to the floor just as the Titan hit the ground causing it to shake like an earthquake.

You stayed with Eren, holding him up, he was completely exhausted and was trying to peel his eyes open. You turned to where Hange once was to chew her out for working him too hard but she was gone, it was like she could sense when she was about to get yelled at and disappeared before it could happen.

"Hange...!" You hissed still staying with Eren.

*Levi's POV*

You went back to your office in a huff, to do paperwork, but no paperwork was done. Instead you were stood staring out of your window at (Y/N) and Eren. Your frown deepened as they sat together on the floor Eren leaning against (Y/N), a steaming Titan
body behind them.


You sat grumbling in your office, (Y/N) had been dragged away by Eren... again. It was becoming the norm ever since the two of them met, you loved (Y/N) and thanks to Hange you knew that she also loved you back. But nothing was done between the two of you as you both lacked the confidence to ask the other out.

But since the Titan boy had shown up you had begun to doubt the (H/C) captains feelings, she seemed happy with the brown haired boy, more happy then when she was around you. Your heart ached at the thought, you were so focused on that you didn't notice a smirking Hange smash through your office door.

"Hey shorty! What's got you so grumpy" she yelled jumping on your hunched form.

"Four eyes... what do you want?" You growled.

"Awe, can't I cheer up my grumpy friend? So, what's up?" She asked sitting in the chair in front of your desk.

"No. Leave me alone. And knock before you come in next time" you glared at her.

Hange stayed quite but didn't leave, she was clearly thinking about something, you didn't even have to look at her to tell that: you risked a threatening glance in her direction but it didn't work "awe is it (Y/N)? Come on you can tell gramma Hange".

*End Of Flashback*

It didn't take her long to figure out what was bugging you... Eren. (Y/N) and the Titan shifter had been getting closer since it was discovered that she could calm the storm, as the saying goes, it was all your mind ever thought about. Recently your mind had been going down a dark path, maybe he's better for her, you thought. He's younger, taller and is much more friendly, not to mention he doesn't obsess over cleaning and tea, they get along to well too.

Your office door slamming open made you jump out of your thoughts. Shitty glasses, you frowned. You turned away from the window with a scowl, but this didn't affect the crazy woman at all "watching (Y/N) again?"

"How many fucking times do I have to tell you to knock first!" You ignored her question.

"You know if you don't say anything to (Y/N) nothing will happen between the two of you. She's too scared of overstepping" Hange said with a laugh.

"Stop meddling and get out of my office I'm busy and you have an experiment to clean up after" you stormed forward and she eventually fled.

*Time Skip*

*(Y/N)'s POV*

Levi had been ignoring you completely. You hadn't been able to speak to him and it was driving you crazy. Every time you would try to catch him, he would turn away and disappear, he even stopped sitting at the superiors table in the mess hall just to avoid you. You sighed as you watched Levi ignore your again, he walked by the table you were sat on, a fresh cup of tea in hand, but no tea for you.

What have I done wrong...?

"Hey (Y/N) what's with your expression. And with that sigh?" Hange leant on you whispering in your ear.

"Ahhh Hange!" You jumped out of your skin.

"Yes, it is I... now tell me what's up" she said getting the attention of everyone around you.

"Why is Levi angry at me? What have I done?" She frowned.

"Oh yes I have noticed that. But I don't think it's your exactly." She frowned.

"Huh?" You fully turned to her.

"Ummmm" Hange stalled, this was extremely unusual for her and it made you curious.

"Levi loves you but thinks Eren is better for you so he's been distancing himself so that you'll forget about him and go to Eren. Also, to protect himself from heart break" Erwin said plainly from beside you, not looking up from his plate

Your jaw dropped in shock, you and Levi both liked each other but he thought that Eren was becoming more to you. He was avoiding you to protect his own heart, you jumped up and ran for his office. You needed to correct him, you needed Levi to see that he was the only person you had eyes for, the only person you would ever have eyes for.

It didn't take long for you to get there, you barrelled through the door without knocking desperate to see the stoic man "Hange for the last time knock before you come in".

"It's not Hange" you said.

He froze as he was writing his paperwork, his pencil hovering above the page, not looking up at you. He was thinking, probably, of a way to escape you but there was absolutely no way you were going to let that happen. "Captain (L/N) excused me but-" you cut him off.

"Nope you're going to sit and listen to me. I know why you've been ignoring me. And can I just say that you've been very childish about this" You shoved him down into his office chair.

"(L/N) I don't know what you think you're doing or what you've heard but I'm really busy and don't have the time for this" Levi tried to stand but you stopped.

"I love you Levi" you said it straight and he froze.

His face was filled with shock, you'd never seen his face like it before so you continued knowing that you now had his full attention "I know you know that I love you already, so would you stop second guessing yourself and me. I love you and only you Levi because your you, not because your like Eren, which you aren't at all like Eren by the way. So trust me and stop distancing yourself to protect your heart because you don't need to protect it"

All you were met with was silence and it worried you, maybe you had read him wrong and he didn't like you back. During your speech Levi's face had fallen into a straight stone mask again, this meant that you couldn't tell what he was thinking. Levi stood still with the same stone face, worry started to consume you, especially as he came closer.

The two of you made eye contact and he roughly grabbed you by the collar making you jump as he pulled you forward with full force into his lips. The kiss was deep and passionate, Levi was bad with words but you felt every single emotion he wanted to convey to you in this kiss. You felt his tongue lick your bottom lip and you let him in and win the battle of your tongues so he could explore your mouth.

You pulled away for oxygen, but still rested your foreheads against each other's "I'm sorry... for avoiding you... I just thought you'd be better off with the Titan brat".

You bravely slapped him on the back of the head "stop deciding who would be better for me. AS I'm perfectly capable deciding on my own and you're what's good for me"

You felt his arms wrap around your waist "I love you brat. But I guess you already knew that".

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