Levi + Younger Reader

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ I thought I'd put a warning because I've been seeing lots of comments: Younger doesn't mean underaged⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ I thought I'd put a warning because I've been seeing lots of comments: Younger doesn't mean underaged⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

Words: 4253

Your legs burned as you ran; lungs heaved desperately; sweat trickled down your back and brow. Your feet dragged and sent the dry dirt below flying as you ran your laps, punishment laps from Levi. You and your cleaning group made it up to 5 of you in trouble. Your mind was foggy, and your eyes went out of focus from exhaustion.

This was all because Wilsons (last name because you refused to use her first name) decided to bunk off her cleaning to flirt with the captain, your boyfriend, right in front of you while you were seriously cleaning to make him happy.

To be fair the fact that you and Captain Levi were together was a complete secret as you knew that it would cause a scandal of sorts. You were much, much younger than the man, you both knew that people would take it like you were trying to score points with him to get out of punishment and climb higher on the social ladder, of the scouts. But it was in no way like that. You both deeply loved each other and after all, age is just a number.

You had gotten together when you had both accidentally gotten stuck outside the walls in a bunch of tall trees, your horse had been killed and Levi's had bolted. You both had gas in your ODM gear but once you got to the edge of the forest you were stuck. You may have been stuck, but it allowed you and Levi to get closer while you waited for rescue to come and eventually after a few weeks once, you came back to the walls, you ended up coming together as a couple.

The bitch's flirting lead to a fight between the two of you, fists flying. Water from the buckets doing the same right in front of the clean freak man himself. You could not help but launch yourself at the girl, the rest of your cleaning group egging the both of you on. It was like some sort of boxing match. It ending with Levi dragging you away by the collar and Williams on the floor with a cut lip.

Finally, after your 100th and final lap of the field, your legs gave out right in front of Levi and you collapsed to the floor in a heap. You saw Levi flinch out of the corner of your eye as your lungs worked to supply oxygen to your brain. Your cleaning group laughed from behind you snorting at your form. You always tried too hard when it came to Levi, you just had to prove yourself. You were still very faint but you had to present yourself properly.

You rolled yourself over and then slowly stood up as Levi spoke, watching you closely "ok go to the mess hall, there are probably scraps left from dinner." Levi ordered and you went to move but Levi stopped you "apart from you (L/N), since you instigated the fight, your going to my office with no dinner"

You grumbled as the others in your group laughed loudly at your annoyance "I'll be right there sir" you saluted and waited until he dismissed you.

*Time Skip*

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