Levi + Clueless Crushing Reader

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Words: 2024

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Words: 2024

You sighed dreamily as you relaxed your head against your hand, your eyes rested on the coal-haired man at the captain's table directly opposite your own. The noise of the mess hall around you faded away into the back ground as your mind started to imagine scenarios with you and the captain, some of them being a bit too sexual for a public place, but you didn't care.

The man had caught your attention from the moment he stared you down in the line with all your fellow cadets who had chosen to join the scouts along with you, it defiantly didn't help anything when he chose you and your little group of friends to be in his special operations squat. Your love only grew for him. You felt a hand touch your shoulder but you didn't react to it, nor did you react to the other hand that was waving in front of your face. All you could see was Levi.

Finally you were pulled from your thoughts of Levi "you know if you keep looking at him he's going to eventually notice and then punish you"

"Huh?" Your eyes turned to Mikasa who was giving you a warning glare, the same warning glare she'd give you every time you were thinking or talking about Levi.

"I don't know how you can like that little short ass" she scoffed.

"That's a little mean" you mumbled trying not to anger her any more but it didn't work.

"Mean! He beat up Eren in court and now he's going to pay" she growled crushing the bread she held in her hand.

"Ok but it did save his life" you shuffled slightly away from her not wanting to be added to this list of people who had to pay.

"You wouldn't understand" and that was the end of that conversation as everyone got up including her to leave the mess hall. You followed not wanting to be left behind.

*Levi's POV*

A smirk appeared on your face as your eyes followed the (H/C) girl walking out of the mess hall. You had felt her loving eyes on you, you always felt her eyes on you and it was extremely amusing to you. Which is why you never punished the girl and just pretended that you didn't notice the gigantic crush she had on you. But today that would change.

Over time the girl had grown on you in a big way and now with Hange's insistent cooing and pushing, you were going to take the girl out on a date, after all the scouts did have a day off today. You stood with the sly smirk still on your face and walked from the mess hall heading to (Y/N)'s dorm knowing she would be there with her friends who also lived in that dorm.

*Time Skip*

*(Y/N)'s POV*

"Sasha... how the hell do you fit that whole potato in your mouth?!" you asked her astonished as she now chewed up the full potato.

"Empfy eet jupt tamps prctis" she spat food everywhere as she spoke, everyone in the room not understanding any word she spoke.

Mikasa made a face of disgust while you and Historia laughed "Sasha speak when your mouth is empty no one can understand you".

She took the biggest swallow you had ever seen before speaking again "I said, 'easy it just takes practice'. And now as I think about it the hunger for food grows..." she took out another potato and stuffed it into her mouth, already drooling.

She bit into this one not taking it in one bite but instead two, she was just reaching for a third when the door opened to reveal your favourite hot, handsome Captain. Sasha's mouth froze open as he looked around the room, but upon seeing her, an unimpressed look crossed his features. Although he didn't scold her, instead he turned to you.

"How about we go a have lunch on your day off (Y/N)?" He gave you a smirk before it turned into a small hidden smile that only you could see.

You stopped for a moment not really knowing where to go with this. What's this lunch for? He's going to kick me out of his squad isn't he? Knowing that you couldn't get out of this lunch you nodded and then sent him away so that you could get changed into a nicer outfit. Telling him to meet you outside the front doors of HQ.

"I thought you'd be happier?" Mikasa frowned.

"What! No! He's going to kick me out of his squad why would I be happy about that. He must have seen me creepily staring at him, oh god what's wrong with me!" You fretted.

"I'd be surprised if he didn't notice you staring. You usually stare at him from point blank range after all" she said sarcastically.

"Ha, ha, very funny. Right, wish me luck" you sighed leaving the room laughter following you.

*Time Skip*

Levi took you to a small quaint tea shop, not a place you'd take someone to kick them out of your squad, but you couldn't complain to the man. So you just let him lead you to a corner table out of the public view the whole time he held your hand. He pulled your chair out for you and even tucked you back into the table, your eyes being drawn to his biceps, which you could clearly see through the tight grey shirt he was wearing.

"What would you like to drink bra- umm (Y/N). I can order" he stumbled a bit clearly trying to be polite.

His politeness made you even more worried about this situation, Levi was never carful with what he said but now he was "umm can I have (Favourite Hot Drink) please" you said while trying to pull out your money.

But Levi held up his hand "I'm paying so don't worry, what kind of man would I be if I didn't pay"

Somehow him paying for your drink set you even more on edge about this little lunch trip. This must be even worse than him just kicking me out of his squad then, could he be kicking me out of the scouts all together? Or sending me on a suicide mission? You couldn't figure out which of those options would be worse. Either one would most likely end in your death. After all, outside of the scouts you had nowhere to go. You had no family or money and would most likely die on the streets.

A steaming cup of (favourite Drink) and a slice of (Favourite Dessert) which you didn't order was placed in front of you, pulling you from your panicked thoughts "I saw it on display and though we could share" he smirked only holding up one fork.

"Oh sure thank you" you smiled and picked up your tea.

You started to blow on it desperate to cool it down, you figured that the faster you finished the faster he would tell you why you were both out here. A fork was place in front of your face what the fuck! I your eyes flew wide, is he feeding me? "Well, open up" he confirmed your suspicions.

You did as he said and opened your mouth letting him do what he intended, a small smile on his face as he fed you one fork full after the other. To your surprise he seemed to forget about his own tea "aren't you going to have any?" You asked between mouthfuls.

"Maybe... I'm enjoying this for a moment though" he simple said giving you another fork full.

You didn't say anything to this, just nodded and let him continue, this death sentence had a really weird beginning, was it pity? Him granting you a wish before you died? Once the dessert was finished you moved into comfortable chit chat while you both sipped your drinks. You slowly loosing yourself in the deep grey pools of his eyes.

*Levi's POV*

She was nervous, you could tell but it didn't look like she was nervous specifically because of the date. In fact it didn't look like she'd realise it was a date at all, and you weren't about to correct her... yet. You were having too much fun watching the poor girl think she was in trouble.

"So I was thinking that after this we can walk around the stalls, see what they have to offer" you said checking the time to make sure this was possible before sunset.

"Wha- ummm s-sure ok? Sounds good" you watch the confusion appear on her face, she wasn't very good at hiding her emotions.

How hasn't she realised this is a date yet?

You had to catch yourself before you laughed out loud at how completely clueless this girl was. You wouldn't let this go on for much longer, no matter how amusing this was to you, by the end of the date you'd ask (Y/N) to be your girlfriend. It would be then that the penny would drop for her, well it better, otherwise you'd have to be somehow even more forward about this. Idiotic brat.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

You followed Levi out from the tea shop to look around the stalls, Levi even let your link arms with his you walked. You mind buzzed still unable to fathom what the hell this man was doing and if he knew what he was currently doing to your poor heart. Which was currently racing and beating so hard you thought it was going to burst from your chest. This had to be a cruel joke he was playing before he kicked you out. He obviously knows you stare at him, and this is his version of revenge before he drops you from his squad.

You saw a few nice things as you walked but nothing particularly grabbed you, but it was a nice walk, especially to spend time with your crush. As you were thinking Levi lead you to a bench along the side of the river that ran through the walls, just as the sun was setting, making you gasp at the beauty.

Levi grabbed your chin lightly, turning your head away from the view and to him, you heart pounded and you felt you face instantly light on fire. His face was very close to yours but what he said next made the entire world stop around you "so how did you enjoy our little date today?"










"WAIT! DATE!" You screamed scaring some nearby birds you were so loud.

Levi burst out laughing it was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard, the deep melodic sound struck your heart and even made you a bit hot under the collar "yes... a date. Why else would I ask you to lunch" he said a wide smile still on his face.

"Well, I ummm. I thought that you were kicking me out of your squad or something" you filled you head embarrassed.

He began laughing again "no. I actually knew you liked me and I will admit I fell for you myself brat. I was actually about to ask you to be my girlfriend?"

He looked expectantly and you answered immediately upon realising the question "YES!" You jumped into him tackling him off the bench and to the floor his arms wrapping around you just as you both thumped down to the ground.

It was a very embarrassing, and slightly clueless, start to what was a very beautiful and long lasting relationship.

First chapter of my new book 'A Dragons Heart' is out.

The updates on this one will be a little slower than the others that I am writing for the time being but once I have finished 'Deep Blue' and 'Where The Wolves Love' the updates will become similar to them

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The updates on this one will be a little slower than the others that I am writing for the time being but once I have finished 'Deep Blue' and 'Where The Wolves Love' the updates will become similar to them.

I am also planning to start a second 'Stuck' book which I will start when I have finish my currently two main sorties. Thank you for reading and I hope you are enjoying ❤️❤️

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