Titan Shifter Levi + Reader Part 2

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Words: 2606

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Words: 2606

Blood and smoke permeated the air around you. A ringing in your ears being too deafening to focus. You stumbled around the area while rain pelted you from above. You were in a dazed state and your eyes life felt heavy. You couldn't feel anything; your eyes were open and looking at the horror around you but it was like you couldn't see anything.

You tripped over something and fell to your knees in the mud, your head turned to see what you had tripped on seeing a body, your arms shook as your hands sunk deeper into the mud. It had all gone so wrong. What seemed like distant thumps pulled your head to it and the ground shook, you looked up to see a large blurry figure with a large hand reaching for you, your vision turning black.


Horses hooves thundered around you, the expedition had started well, and you had gotten further than you ever had before, but even so an uneasiness had settled in your gut from the very beginning. Levi rode next to you the rest of his squad all around, Levi's secret still safe with you.

Then it all went wrong, Titans erupted from the emptiness around you. No one knew where they came from. Everyone tried to fight, but you were quickly losing this fight. The titans were just too strong and ate through the squad you were a part of and other familiar faces. Your heart was going wild and only one thought crossed your mind, I'm going to die here.

You were just about to make a pass at a nearby Titan when another Titan closed in on your behind. You had next to no time to react, and thought that was it, when a bright flash of light exploded from nearby you. The blast sent you flying backwards and hard into the ground, the blast looked a lot like the explosion Levi did to turn Titan all that time ago, and while you were still in the air you understood what had happened. Levi had turned Titan. But then you hit the ground and was knocked senseless.

*End Of Flashback*

You groaned. Your entire body hurt as you slowly regained consciousness, you were lying down but felt yourself swaying. You didn't want to open your eyes, but with this strange feeling you had no choice, you peeled opened your eyes. Sunlight blinded you until you slightly tilted your head so that you could see, your breath stopped in your lungs, now looking up all you could see was a giant Titan.

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