Levi + 'Ara Ara' type Reader

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Written by Jackflap101 Words: 2019

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Written by Jackflap101
Words: 2019

You layed down on your bunk, flicking through a book. It was a lazy afternoon, not doing much after not having any assignments or anything. You considered going outside to train some more, but it was quite busy where you usually trained and you didn't want any attention today.

You used to go and train with everyone else, but that proved distracting. Or, better yet, distracting for everyone else. You didn't purposely annoy them or get in their way, it was something you couldn't help. You had, as Hange personally said, 'Massive Badonkas'. You never liked it when she called them that, but she was technically right.

While training, the guys couldn't keep their eyes off of you. The only people who didn't really take notice was your squad. Occasionally there would be awkward moments while out on missions, but for the most part, Hange and Levi were you closest friends and the ones you trusted most out of the walls.

For the most part, you were just fed up of the lack of respect you got from people, about how they don't think you can handle yourself. All because you look too 'innocent', or 'not suited for combat'.

You flick the page on your book, sighing out in boredom. You couldn't stop thinking about what happened the other day with Levi. You and he were going through some basic training, just doing some basic practice with your ODM gear. All was going well, until you both stopped for a short break, to which he started talking to you.

​"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" He asked you in between sips of water. This was new. You and him rarely spoke during training, let alone asking about each other's personal lives. This came at a shock to you, and you almost spat out your own drink.

​"I'm okay... are you?" You reply apprehensively. It's not that you were against talking to him like this. In fact, you would love to have more conversations with Levi.

Especially since most conversations with guys end with them asking you out or just full on staring at your chest. That was the reason you loved training with Levi so much. They two of you just trained, he didn't stare. You had caught him looking a few times, but neither of you made a big thing of it.

​"I'm fine." He didn't add anymore. Silence fell over both of you. You didn't expect much more to come of this conversation, but you didn't expect it to end so abruptly.

​"Why so talkative today? Not like you to talk my ear off like this" You joke, laughing a little.

​"We have been training with each other more and more lately, and Hange suggested that I get to know you more" he answered not looking at you.

​"Why would she do that" You ask, a bit confused. As you said this, you saw an expression on Levi's faced you had never seen before. Embarressment? Shock? Or was he having a stroke? You couldn't tell what was happening, but his eyes widened like a deer in headlights.

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