Monster Under The Bed Levi Part 2

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Finally a one shot written by me. So sorry it took so long to write. I'm planning to do a funny short of this series with the other AOT characters as monsters, let me know what you think of this.

Levi had completely disappeared after that fateful day. It turns out that the big bad monster under the bed could be easily scared away by a slightly aggressive love confession. The house felt oddly empty without him around, but you were far too embarrassed to call out to him or look under your bed, instead you made him tea and tried to keep your house clean, but the tea was never touched and the house never commented upon .

In fact nothing was ever touched in the house again. Your work surfaces were no longer cleaned spotless and your clothes were no longer folded, it was like Levi never even existed. Not only that, you were also no longer woken up late at night, which surprisingly upset you greatly.

Levi was gone...

You were once again alone...

Worse still, the threat from your ex was still hanging over you and everything you did. You were still always just waiting to be ambushed by him. Not that you ever went anywhere to be ambushed. He said he would be back and you definitely knew that he would keep his word. You didn't know what you would do when he did return, though.

You didn't think that he would become aggressive. Yes he did cheat on you, but he never hit you. But you could never fully know these days. Why he wanted you back completely baffled you. He kicked you out of your house and then probably continued to fuck the girl that you caught him with.

You sighed as you locked up the little shop, these thoughts still on your mind. You had had a good sales day and only one early morning delivery you had to sort. You slowly settled into your routine without Levi. You hadn't seen the old lady in quite a while but you had both been calling so that you could update her on the shops sales and anything else she would need to know.

Every time you called she would ask about Levi. She still asked you how he was and if he was causing any problems, so you'd just answer her shortly and quickly before moving on and away from the topic of Levi.

It was becoming a huge problem for you. Levi was constantly on your mind, these thoughts slowly eating away at you. You knew that you had to speak to him, as you didn't know how much longer you could go before you would fully break down into nothing.

Once in your apartment you put down your keys and took off your shoes before turning to the empty apartment. "Levi! I don't know if your still here but please if you can hear me come out! We need to talk!"

You were only met with silence nothing came from the apartment, but this wasn't going to stop you from getting Levi's attention. You stormed into your bedroom still calling for Levi, but still nothing happened which made you grumble annoyed. You felt like he was ignoring you and that made you pissed considering that in all actuality you hadn't done anything to him.

"Fine then, I'll make you come out and face me" you yelled.

You then began to take you clothes from your closet and chest of draws dumping them in the floor and then moving to your table tops. You swept your arms across the table scattering your stuff everywhere covering your floor. You knew that you couldn't drag him out of his hiding spot so instead you would annoy him into coming out.

There was no way in hell that Levi could stay or even look at a place like this, your weren't sure where he lived outside of your room, but as soon as he saw your room he would come out of hiding. He would have to clean it, like he had some sort of uncontrollable predisposition to clean anything and everything he came across.

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