Levi + Womans Tribe Reader

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Sorry this took so long and sorry it's been a while since I updated I've been moving back to my halls for uni, and then my editor Jackflap101  got ill

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Sorry this took so long and sorry it's been a while since I updated I've been moving back to my halls for uni, and then my editor Jackflap101  got ill. But I should be back on schedule now. ❤️❤️❤️

Words: 2387

*Levi's POV*

Your lungs desperately sucked in oxygen that your body needed, your squad was gone having been separated from you by the titans, your horse had also disappeared leaving you completely alone. You were racing through the forest using your ODM gear, trying to get away from the titans and slowly it was working, eventually you had gotten away and was now just swinging through the trees trying to find someone from the scouts.

Your adrenaline was still running hot as you turned your efforts to navigating back to where you were separated from your squad, hopefully one of them would still be alive. But today really wasn't your day, a short splutter from your ODM fear caught your attention... you were running out of gas and you realised it a bit too late.

In your haste to get away you must have used up a lot of your gas, a rookie mistake that you hadn't done in a very long while. Your gas fully cut out and you fell, you just managed to hook your hooks into a nearby tree to stop your fall from being deadly, but you still hit the ground hard.

Your body slid and rolled along the floor until you finally came to a stop. You groaned and rolled yourself over into your back you were looking up into the forest. Your eyes started to close from injury and blood loss sustained in your ODM fall, but there wasn't much you could do for yourself now, especially as your mind shut off and you went unconscious.

*Time Skip*

A cool touch to your forehead was the first thing you felt upon waking, you groaned a deep rumbled as you heard a gasp from above you and a shift in weigh rights on your... your eyes shot open and you sat up straight ready to chew out the brat who was sat on you, but stopped short the moment you saw the person.

It was a woman you didn't recognise, she had very minimal clothing on, just enough to cover her privates, and she was straddling you with a wide smile on her face. You blinked slightly confused, why is there a woman out here? How hasn't she been eaten by the titans? And while is she smiling at you like a maniac.

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