Levi + Hurt Reader

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Words: 1272

Another swift kick sent your head snapping to the side. Your blood flew, coating the floor in drops, spurting from your mouth. You weren't given time to breath as another kick hit you square in the stomach and another to your face, pain exploded with every kick but you did your best to silence the cries that were threatening to come from your mouth. You didn't want to hurt the man who was hurting you; he couldn't stop beating you up.


You didn't know what had happened at first, one moment you were plummeting to the ground after being swatted by a Titan, the next you were waking up in an unfamiliar room on an uncomfortable bed, completely unharmed. You originally thought the whole expedition was a dream. That's until you made eye contact with the three faces in the room, you instantly realised the something was very wrong.

You went to lift your hands to rub your eyes but was stopped by a metal clank "What?!" You frowned looking at your hand cuffed hands.

A shaking hand took yours, your eyes following up the arm to see Levi's concerned eyes looking at you. Erwin and Hange were the other two in the room they pulled up some chairs beside your bed, you were still confused as to what was going on but everything was soon explained.

Like Eren, you were a Titan shifter.

When you hit the floor, a bright ball of light flashed like lightning, everyone thought Eren had lost control, but was quickly corrected when your 15m female titan form stood where the lightning had once been. Muscle stretched across your body and (H/C) hair fell around your shoulders as steam rose from your body, in your Titan form you obliterated the entire swarm of titans before you finally collapsed.

"So... what happens now?" You hesitantly said.

"Well like Eren, you'll go to court. We need to prove that you can control when you change in to a Titan. After, if we win, you'll stay in your captain's position of the scouts and Hange will experiment" Erwin explained.

"Ok... that all sounds pretty simple so... why do you all look so grave?" You asked frowning slightly.

"To prove your control, Levi's going to have to beat you... badly. The court have actually demanded it this time, unlike with Eren's trial" Erwin answered.

"Oh..." you fell silent as Levi sighed from beside you, his eyes were closed a look of pure pain on his face.

"But don't worry... you'll heal quickly. So... there's that..." Hange tried to be positive but unlike her, she was failing.

You wanted to say something, say that it was ok; he was saving your life. But you couldn't. As the door was opened and a large group of stone faced MP's entered, your two friends and boyfriend were ushered out of the room. The MP's then pulled you roughly out of the room taking you all the way to the giant court room before chaining you down with your hands behind your back.

*End Of Flashback*

Levi stamped your head down into the tiled floor, giving you a slight breather, blood was running from your nose in fountains. You had multiple cuts on your face that were also dripping blood straight into your eyes, blinding you. Blood filled your mouth and bubbled out onto the floor with every breath your took. All you could feel was pain as you whimpered accidentally, causing Levi to wince slightly as he looked over to the MP's and Zackly.

You couldn't see it but Zackly must have shook his head as in the next moment you were wrenched up sharply by your hair before another kick to your stomach and a punch to your face once again sent blood flying. More punches and kicks came and you were gasping and coughing in your struggles, you couldn't speak for Eren, but your beating was definitely worse somehow.

"That's enough Levi. I think she's had enough" you could hear Zacklys about through the beating.

Levi stopped immediately and the whole room when silent, the only thing that could be heard were your gasps of pain, everyone just listening to Zackly speak "she had proven she can remain human, the woman will stay with the scouts"

"But Sir-!" One of the MP's yelled.

But Zackly ignored him and hit the wooden structure he was sat behind to end the meeting. You heard the MP's groan from the defeat, you felt yourself get lifted and pulled out of the court, blood dripping in a line as you were moved. Once out of the court room you were lifted up by strong arms, which you recognised as Levi. You rested your head against his shoulder sighing in content. You always loved being close to him like this. Finally, you allowed sleep to take you.

*Time Skip*

"-She heals quickly, so don't worry too much, she'll be completely fine by tomorrow, broken bones and all" a female voice was the first thing to reach your ears as you woke.

You opened your blue eyes to look around. You were finally back in your own room at the scouts HQ. Once again, Hange, Levi and Erwin were all in the room. You groaned and they all looked over, Hange ran to you grabbing your hand with a smile on her face. Erwin gave you his own small smile and Levi... Levi... he wouldn't meet your eyes and stood still where he was, he looked so upset and it hurt your heart more than any punch that had come your way before.

"Levi?" You whimpered reaching out to him, but he still didn't look or move, he did even respond. He acted like you weren't even there.

Erwin looked between the both of you "me and Hange should give you two sometime"

"Wha? Bu-" Hange was cut off by Erwin who grabbed her by the collar.

"Come along Hange" Erwin dragged her out leaving you and Levi in silence.

You reached out to him, calling his name once again, but he refused to move. He was guilty, you could now tell that he felt bad for beating you within an inch of your life, he didn't want to look at you and see fear in your eyes directed at him. But you weren't afraid of him, he did it to save your life. You were thankful for him for that. You'd be spread open on a metal table with all your inside pulled out by now if it wasn't for him.

"Levi please. You know I'm not afraid of you, and I don't at all hate you. You saved my life" you gave him a small smile.

"But I hurt you. You should hate me, attack me, trying to get your revenge" he mumbled.

"What? Revenge for saving my life? You worry too much. I could never hate you, now get over here, I want cuddles and my super, lovable, sexy boyfriend is going to give them to me" you demanded reaching out.

You saw his lips quirk into a slight smile, he turned trying to hide it as he came over to you getting in your bed. You felt his arms wrap around you and kiss to your forehead. You sighed in delight as you relaxed into his arms closing your eyes, your healing body was exhausted and all you wanted to do was sleep with your boyfriend beside you.

"I love you Levi. Thank you for today... I know it was hard for you to do" you mumbled.

"Love you too"

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