Lost On A Mission Reader

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Words: 3122


That's all you could say right at this very moment.

Drops of sweat trickled down your brow and into your desperately flicking eyes, your hands instantly wiping it away "well done (Y/N) you've really gone and done it now" you spoke to yourself, your voice shaky.

Your lungs burned as you ran at a slow jog, trying to save what little energy you had left. A limp also slowed your progress, one of your hands was pressed against your side trying to stem the blood that was threatening to pour out if the wound in your side until you reach a cave. If you managed to reach a cave, you'd take the day to sort yourself out before you'd start to make your journey back to the walls at night.

The expedition had all been going so well. You and your squad had been taking out titans left and right to support the centre group of the scouts formation and the carts that held all your resources. That was until an abnormal burst from the forest you were currently in, you tried to fight back but it was too sudden and you were all quickly decimated.

You took your eye off the ball for just a second and you paid for it, you were catapulted to the floor by your wires. You were lucky to survive the fall, but even luckier that the Titan ignored you for the rest of the group. Typical abnormal.

Your horse was long gone, maybe even dead. You didn't see if your squad were all dead or if some survived,  you were alone regardless of what happened to them. You were far away from the walls and stuck in Titan country, and even worse, you were injured. You knew your odds weren't favourable but you couldn't give up, you couldn't ever give up. Levi needed you.

You were both in such a good place together. Like with any couple, you had had your ups and downs but both of you had been talking about the future. Your future together to be more specific. Both of you want to buy a small house away from HQ, a space to call your own. But now that future was on the ropes.

Your mind was snapped from Levi by distant thumps from a walking Titan. They were far away but they still made you pick up the pace. This whole time you had been running towards a large rock formation where you hoped there would be some sort of cave, and you were right.

Once you reach the formation you noticed that there was a crack just wide enough for you to squeeze through splitting into a small cave, it would keep the titans out and you safe, even the smallest of titans wouldn't be able to get in this little cave.

Even though you had found some sort of safety, you couldn't rest. You instantly unhooked your ODM gear and then gently pulled off the straps, still keeping one hand to the wound on your stomach, you then pulled off your shirt so that you could inspect your wound. You were very lucky as there was a small stream running through the cave, you swelled the water around your mouth to check it was fresh before you did anything else.

Nodding in satisfaction you then used said water to wash the wound, you hissed in pain as the water stung, it was a clean slicing wound made by your own sword snapping as you hit the ground. You knew this as you could see the shining metal shard of your sword still stuck in your side. You reached to pull it out but stopped before you touched it, your hand just centimetres away.

At the moment you weren't bleeding too badly, your hand had slowed most of the blood. You also didn't know what that sword had hit inside your body or what it could be blocking that you couldn't see.

Out here, if you pulled the sword fragment out of your body and dislodged something, you could bleed out in seconds. So you left it. You ripped the bottom of your shirt, your cape long gone, taking a couple of strips and wrapped it around your waist, tying it very tight. This staunched the blood further and held the blade fragment in place.

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