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"Mom doesn't look pregnant tho." Loreley said and looked at my tummy.

"Well, wait till three or four months.." levi said.

"What? After that the baby will be born?" She asked again.

"Jeez you're just like your brother when he's small." I laughed and viel Chuckled.

"He used to ask question everytime he asked one." I smiled.

"Oh.." loreley exclaimed. "When will the baby got to born..?" She asked again. Oh sweetie, you're itching to see it huh?

"In nine months." I said and pinched her nose.  I can still move a lot in one or two months.. I'm sure they'll tell me to take a rest and rest and rest.

"Awe.. I can't wait to see it.." loreley said.

I just remembered something..

It's almost her birthday.

And it seems like she don't noticed it so she wasn't talking about it that much.

"Onii-chan! Where did you put my tissue?" She exclaimed.

"What? I don't know anything about your things.. you never dare me to touch them." He chuckled.

"Awe.. i think i lost it again." She said and crossed her arms.

Levi looked at her. "Tch. If you'll look around instead of babbling there." He said and handed her the tissue. "Don't put it anywhere." He said.

"Thanks dad!" She exclaimed. "Oh.. I don't have any pocket."

Levi pulled her. "Here.." he said and fixed her tissue and attached it on her middle collar where levi always used to put his tissue on too.

"This is great!" She said.

Levi sat beside her. "Have you changed your mind on going to marley?" He asked her loreley? Wants to go to marley?

Loreley looked at him. "Y-yeah.. they hurt my mom." She said and i smiled.

"Are you okay now mom?" Viel asked and handed me water.

I dranked it. "Yeah but.. it's still difficult to move that much. " I chuckled.

*Knock knock*

"I'll get it." Loreley stood up and opened the door. "What?"It was the twins.

"Hime's looking for you two." Miyuki said. "Hi aunt y/n! Get well soon!" He said and waved at me. I just waved back and smiled.

"Oh.. tell her we're--"

"You guys can play now." I told them. "Just come back here when you're finished." I smiled.

"Okay!" They said and goes out. "Bye mom! Bye dad!"

*Door closed*

Levi stood up and sat on the chair in front of me. "I wonder if it's a boy.." he said and held my hands.

"We'll see.." i smiled. "Don't you have work to do?" I asked. Just maybe he's busy and scheduled to do some work and.. he's here.

He shookt his head. "Coconut head said it's fine so i can watch over you." He said.

"You don't need to do that.." i said.

"Oh right.. he also gave me permission to take a break at work when you're in three months until you gave birth." He added.

Why am i so blessed with a caring husband and childrens--

"How did you got to control your titan in your nape?" He asked me. Hmm.. it just happened..

"I didn't use the crystal.." i chuckled.

"That's obvious because you're in the nape." He said.

Oh my bad.

"Imagine that those two brats helped us on the fucking rumbling.. and hitting us now." He chuckled. "Unbelievable."

I just chuckled.

"How many kids do you need to bear?" He asked me.

What the- we don't need a lot you know!

I smiled at him. "Do you know how much it hurts when giving birth?" I asked him.

"Tch." He exclaimed.

"One of our kids will carry the royal bloodline you know.." i added.

"Tch.. viel don't want anything royal like you.. loey's-- just wanted to enjoy and see the outside world." He said and looked at my tummy. "We don't know what's this little bean up to."

*Door opens*

"Y/n?" It was reiner.

"Tch. Y'all are old now and still don't know how to knock on doors." Levi said.

Reiner apologized to him. "Are you doing good y/n? We're sorry.. we didn't see that coming." He said.

"No one knew that they planned that already.." i said. "You guys should stay here.." i added.

"We'll wait for pieck and annie's recovery.." he said. "I'll go now." He added and bowed before going out.

I feel bad for annie..

"Are you hungry?" Levi asked.


"What about that?" He pointed my tummy and i laughed.

"Silly." I chuckled and yawned. "I--"

Before i told him that i don't want to sleep just because i yawned- he layed me down and put a blanket.

"Rest." He said.

"But i'm not tired." I said.

"Your body is tired.. that's bad for the baby.." he said. This is exactly what he's been doing when i was pregnant of viel and loreley.. but they're healthy..

"You're having a lot of friends.." i chuckled and rubbed my tummy. It's so small.. i wonder what's your gender?

I looked at levi. "Damn.. don't tell me you forgot?" I asked him.

"What? Loey's birthday? I won't." He said.  He really remembered it before i remind him huh?

"I haven't ask her what she want.." i said.

"She loves everything we did and give to her so don't think much." He said. He's right.. "just don't give her a dirty thing.." he chuckled. "She'll hate it."

Oh the pendant.. i should've give it to her on her Birthday but that's fine.. I'll bought her another one or a different one.

"What do you wanna give her?" I asked him.

"I'm thinking about it."

You're the one who said she loves everything and don't think that much!

"Rest now hon.." he said and kissed my forehead. "I love you. And you." He kissed my tummy.

Oh that's why i love him so much..

"We love you too.." i smiled at him.

He caressed my hair and a moment after being comfortable with him doing that, i fell asleep.


MY LOVELY BRAT (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now