So Lets Talk About Ben and the Omnitrix...

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Hello everyone! Sorry this is not a chapter but I am working on the next one so hope you're excited.

So, as the title says lets talk about Ben and the Omnitrix. In the last chapter there was a part which I knew where people would have an opinion or a question about. I was thinking about writing this at the end of the last chapter, but I didn't think I needed to. I could just reply to comments but I thought it would be better to gather this subject in one place. 

So, in the last chapter there was one part/phrase where everyone had a opinion and question about, and that part is... 

Nighteye : In the end... I saw Kai Chisaki take the Omnitrix by using his Quirk and then kill Ben after. That is the future I saw... 

So, when Nighteye used his Foresight on Ben during the battle of Ghostfreak, he saw Overhaul take the Omnitrix and kill Ben afterwards. I've been getting a lot of comments about this, and also a lot of private messages. In this little discussion chapter I'm going to tell you how Overhaul would be able take the Omnitrix. This is just a theory, so if you have any opinions about it feel free to! I love discussing these kind of BNHA X BEN 10 theories. Also, if you don't want to read this it's totally fine lol. All right let's get into it! 

So, do I think Overhaul will be able to take the Omnitrix and kill Ben? Yes, I do, there's a possibility. The reason why I think that is mainly because of Overhaul's Quirk. His Quirk grants him the ability to disassemble anything he touches, as well as reassemble it in any configuration he desires, effectively giving him full control over matter. So, all Chisaki has to do is touch Ben's Omnitrix and it's game over? Not quite. 

Of course, the Omnitrix's failsafe will kick in and save Ben when he's in danger. It happened a few times in this book, but Ben still has no idea about it. The Omnitrix that Ben has is the prototype Omnitrix, not the recalibrated, not the Ultimatrx, and not THE Omnitrix, it just looks different. The Omnitrix was able to be forcibly removed shown by Vilgax and Kevin when they use a contraption to remove it. That's why I think it's possible for the Omnitrix could be forcibly removed by Chisaki. 

Now, the failsafe. Everyone knows the Omnitrix has a failsafe and it will save the user when he/she is in danger and saves the user when he/she is about to die. So, whenever someone tries to remove the Omnitrix by force it would literally stop them from doing so, but I think the Omnitrix's failsafe has a certain limit on how much it can do to save the user. The Omnitrix that Ben has might not be able to save him from death. The prototype had a failsafe to keep enemies from stealing it from the user and it worked most of the time. But, when Kevin and Vilgax forcefully stole it with the contraption they used, the Omnitrix failsafe did kick in but it wasn't able to fully protect itself and Ben from being removed. So, I think the prototype failsafe has a limit and is weaker than THE Omnitrix's failsafe. The only time when Ben was able to actually survive death (No I'm not counting the time when Vilgax shattered Chromastone because Ben was in his alien form at the time and the Omnitrix was activated) was in the last episode of Omniverse when Ben wasn't in his alien form and when he had THE Omnitrix's failsafe. So, I think the prototype will try to save Ben from death but there might be limit on how much it can do. 

How Chisaki can kill Ben and take the Omnitrix? So, if Chisaki was going to kill Ben it wouldn't be easy. If Chisaki even tried to take the Omnitrix by force the failsafe will kick in and recharge instantly allowing Ben to transform. When Ben turns into an alien his transformation time will be shortened because the Omnitrix recharged instantly when it was still in recharge mode. This was shown in the episode when Ben fought Ghostfreak and turned into Grey Matter, but his transformation time was shorter than usual. If that's how the Omnitrix failsafe acted repeatedly I think there would be a limit to the power supply, possibly... But, the number one reason why I think Chisaki would be able to kill Ben is his Quirk. Chisaki can literally disassemble and reassemble anything, so if Ben turned into an alien I think it could be possible to disassemble Ben in his alien form and separate him and the Omnitrix. Chisaki could be able to disassemble Ben from the Omnitrix and just leave him disassembled as he only reassembles the Omnitrix. The reason why I think that is possible, is mainly because when Ben gave Vilgax the Omnitrix on Primus he took it back when Vilgax was turned into Goop and Ben literally ripped off the Omnitrix badge off him. So I think it could be possible for Chisaki to remove the Omnitrix from Ben when he's still in alien form. 

Also, in the last chapter Nighteye said that Chisaki will take the Omnitrix and after that he would kill Ben. So, that's why Ben has the possibility to die because he wouldn't have the Omnitrix to protect him if Chisaki already took it from him.

Okay, that's all the main reasons why I decided to go with this plot. I thought of this carefully and thoroughly, trying to research a definite answer, but there's always no definite answer to everything. This is how I think it would be possible, but if you guys have your opinions please let me know because I would love to hear it and discuss it with you guys! 

Also, if you have other questions for this book please feel free to ask them in this little discussion chapter. I'll try my best to answer them without any spoilers lol.

Oh, and another thing. Some people are asking why I nerfed Ben and why he's pretty weak. And my answer to that is... I didn't nerf him. I try to carefully think what would actually happen if someone had a Omnitrix in the BNHA world. Do I think Midoriya is stronger than Humungosaur? Yes, if he used 100% I honestly think he will win. How was Bakugo able to win against Swampfire? Because he got Swampfire at that time and didn't know his abilities properly, the prototype Omnitrix is not able to let the user fully understand the powers of new aliens like the recalibrated Omnitrix.

Besides, I don't really like a OP character right off the bat. If Ben was super powerful and couldn't be beaten right off the bat, I wouldn't really find it interesting.  I like to have this character to struggle and lose from time to time because that would make him stronger and it would be more fun to the story. 

Anyways, thats all for the discussion chapter! For those of you who think I'm mad or triggered for some reason, don't worry I'm not. I just really like to explain this kind of stuff and share my opinions and thoughts about the Omnitrix in the BNHA world. Well, I'm going to work on the new chapter, so I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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