Season 2 Chapter 5 : Battle on, Challengers!

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Present Mic : Now, we'll take an hour's break for lunch before we start the afternoon festivities!

Yaoyorozu is seen walking out of the stadium towards Jiro and Hakagure.

Hagakure : Yaoyorozu, congratulations on first place! You were amazing!

Yaoyouru : Thank you, Hagakure.

As the two continued to talk Jiro was looking for a certain someone.

Jiro : Hey, Yaoyorozu, where's Ben? I thought he would be walking out with you.

Yaoyorozu : Now that you mention it, I'm not sure, I haven't seen him. Maybe he already went ahead to the cafeteria?

Jiro : What is that doofus doing?


Currently, Ben was standing outside of the Faculty and Student Entrance where Midoriya and Todoroki were standing across from each other. As soon as Ben was heading towards Yaoyorozu to congratulate her on second place he saw Todoroki and Midoriya talking and then walk away. This peeked Ben's interest so he decided to follow them without being spotted.

Ben : (I know spying isn't really a good  thing, but ever since Todoroki's little declaration of war to me and Midoriya, there's been some tension between them...)

Midoriya : So... What did you want to talk about?

Todoroki didn't say anything and just continued to stare at Midoriya.

Midoriya : If we don't hurry, the cafeteria will probably be really crowded...

Todoroki stays silent.

Midoriya : Um...

Todoroki : I was overpowered... So much that I broke my pledge. *looks at his left hand* I'm not sure about Ben... But, Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Uraraka... None of them felt it. At that last instant, I was the only one overpowered. Only me, who had experienced All Might's full power up close.

Midoriya : What... does... that mean?

Todoroki : It means I felt something similar coming from you. Midoriya, are you... All Might's secret love child or something?

Ben unable to hold it in bursts out laughing blowing his cover. Midoriya then looked around the corner to see a laughing Ben.

Midoriya : Ben?! What are you doing here?

Ben was trying to answer but was unable to.

Todoroki : *to Midoriya* Well? Are you?

Midoriya : *turns back to Todoroki* Th-That's not it! I mean, even if I was, I would say I wasn't, so I don't think you'd believe me, but anyway, that's not how it is... In the first place, let me ask you something... Why do you think that about me...?

Todoroki : Since you said, "that's not how it is," that means there's a connection between, you two that you can't talk about, right?

Midoriya hesitates to answer while Ben who finally stopped laughing continues to listen.

Todoroki : Since you're here Ben, I want you to hear this too.

Ben only nods.

Todoroki : Endeavor's my old man. I'm sure you both know that he's been stuck as the number two hero for forever. Ben, you have the most powerful device in the world, and a lot of people say that with that device you can become the next number one hero in the future, if you have the power to become the number one hero then I have to beat you. Midoriya, if you have something from the number one hero, then I... have even more reason to beat you. My old man has a strong desire to rise in the world. As a hero, he won a name for himself with crushing force. Because of that, the living legend, All Might, is a great eyesore to him. Since he couldn't surpass All Might, he moved onto his next plan.

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