Muntazir.✔ (1)

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Lahore was blazing hot in June, the intense glaring of the sun was making her back drench in perspiration. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead but she pays no heed to it because her whole attention was on her son whose little head was dangling from her shoulder. Shafaq carefully fixed his little head over her shoulder and kissed his barely-haired head.

She came back to Lahore after fifteen torturous months of her life, fifteen months full of misery but one blessing which she received was in the form of her son who made her forget her every tormenting hardship and that's why she had to come back - to give his son all rights which he deserved.

She stopped a Rikshaw and gave the driver the address of her friend.

She again saw Alyan who was peacefully sleeping on her shoulder, she placed her hand on his little forehead to check his temperature and to her surprise, the little child was burning with fever.

Shafaq's stomach churned with fear, she bit her lips hards to stop herself from crying.

Her child was sick and she was hopeless.

She reached her friend's house in less than twenty minutes. she pushed herself out of the Rikshaw and
gave the little money which was left to her to the Rickshaw driver and knocked on the door of her friend's house.

She had one hand holding sleeping Alyan and other hand-carried that little man's bag which also had her some clothes in it.

Hadiya opened the door and instantly her eyes got wide, she shrieked loudly.

"Shafaq!" Hadiya pulled her inside of her house, not wanting to create a scene on the street and Shafaq was thankful for it.

Hadiya was silent for a moment, seeing her friend carrying a six-month-old baby was new to her.

"Hadiya, I-I." Shafaq tried to muster words but a heavy lump forming in her throat stopped her.
"Hey, hey, it's okay, come on let's sit and we can chat after a while till then introduce me to this little man." Hadiya knew something terrible had happened with her best friend, she didn't want to push her to talk, the bags under her eyes and her disheveled state clenched Hadiya's heart.

Shafaq smiled lightly and caressed her son's head, "This is my son, Alyan."
Shafaq gulped and looked at her friend who was gaping at her with an open mouth.

"I can explain later, but can you please give me a cool wet towel, Alyan has caught the fever." Her once big eyes looked small to Hadiya, nonetheless, she didn't waste any more time and came back with the wet towel.

Shafaq cradled Alyan on her lap and
placed the wet towel on her son's forehead who was slowly gaining consciousness.

Alyan looked at his mother with his big grey eyes - the same eyes which his father used to look at his mother with pure devotion and love.

"Shh, my baby will be fine in no time." she cooed him as he started to cry a little.
She rubbed his little hands with the wet towel to release the warmth from his body.

After five minutes, she placed the towel aside when she thought the temperature was subsided down and placed a pacifier in her son's mouth.

Hadiya gazed at the tensed mother who was again and again, reassuring her child that he will be fine - maybe the reassurance was for herself.

Hadiya's eyes got wet after the interaction of both mother and son, Shafaq's eyes were filled with a deep love for his son.

"Is he fine now?" Hadiya carefully questioned her.

"Alhumdullilah! I think it was not fever, his body was just warm from the hot weather." The smile after knowing that her son was fine brightens up her whole face.

Hadiya had gazillions of questions lined up for her but she didn't want to push it, she wanted to give her time to relax.

"Is Asad Bhai on his job?"

Hadiya nodded after hearing her husband's name out of her friend's mouth.

She saw shafaq's hand which was caressing her son's head who was fast asleep after having a pacifier in his mouth.

"Shafaq, every day Azaan Bhai calls me to ask about you." Slowly, Hadiya started the conversation with hesitance.

"And what do you tell him?" With a clenched jaw, she questioned her.

"I had no clue about you." The small living room started to make her suffocate, she took a large breath to release the panic.

"Why did you left Shafaq?"

Shafaq clenched her hand tightly around the hem of her shirt.

"It became unbearable to live with him." In a single sentence, she ended all the questions of her friend.

"He doesn't know about his son's existence does he?"
Hadiya asked her while biting her lips.

"No, but soon he will." She sighed loudly and looked straight into the eyes of her friend.

"I lost Ammi two months ago." A single drop of tear left and landed on her son's cheek who was still in her lap, sleeping peacefully.

"Y-you didn't tell anyone."

"I couldn't, it was so sudden, our neighbors offered to help for the funeral. I saw from the roof of our house, lots of people offered her Janazah - people knew her because of her kindness."

Hadiya's heart dropped at the pit of her stomach, she lowered her eyes and a single tear also left her eyes.

Shafaq's mother was like a mother to her and knowing her demise was too much to handle.

Third storyy!! Ehhh
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