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Five years passed, five dreadful years for him after her departure.
She didn't return, nor did he force her.
In the whole five years, he spoke to her only once that too when she landed in Canada. After that, no communication happened between them. His family visited her from time to time, talks to her every weekend but neither did he find the courage nor did she showed any intentions to communicate to him.

Her departure shattered him. She took off but her smell remained in their room which used to make him anguished and bummed out. Sleep became a distant friend to him which comes once in a while. Her parting left a deep cut in his heart which was bleeding till this day.

Zara was living in the same misery. Despite indulging herself in studies and work, Affan never left her mind for once.

His anger and her stubbornness led them where they are today. He enunciated something which he didn't imply and her head hardness stopped her from giving him a second chance.

Both did wrong to each other, both did wrong to their relation. History is witness that no relation can work without communication and every association cannot take a step further with having outrage and obstinacy concerns.

These five years had a drastic effect on his personality. His meaningless affairs vanished into thin air, his radiant identity drowned deep down in his heart, the man becomes stern and stiff - both the quality he used to hate.

After her, Affan Sikander didn't look up to any girl. She was and will be the only one for her.
Unfortunately, this realization hit him when she left. As his anger caused the main rift between them, Affan now swore to himself to keep himself calm in every situation rather than rambling unpredictable things.

He was sitting in his office, proofreading the file when his brother's call alerted him.

His brother's frantic voice reached his ears. "Affan, where are you? The function started an hour ago. Everyone is asking about you."

"I forgot, I was in a meeting." Rubbing his weary red eyes, he answered his brother.

It was the Henna ceremony of their cousin and Affan had zero interest to attend. He didn't want to meet all those fake relatives who were only attending for getting free food and gossiping about everything and anything.

The silence from his brother's side disturbed him and after heaving an exhausted sigh, he spoke once again.
"I'll be there soon." He knew his mother's constant calls would eventually make him surrender. Despite his lack of enthusiasm, he left his office expressionless.

Affan took over his father's enormous company after graduating. Business always comes easy to him and after a lot of hard work, he showed his father that he was capable enough to handle the company.

Parking his car, he sauntered towards the vast lawn where the ceremony was organized.

Greeting everyone with rigidness, he settled at the back and indulged his attention in using his phone.

Dressed in white shalwar kameez, sleeves folded till elbow, a black wristwatch clasped in his wrist. Affan Sikander looked graceful yet unapproachable.

He was answering some emails when he felt a tiny hand adorned with multicolored bangles tapping on his bicep.

He looked up and a huge grin settled on his lips after seeing his niece.


Affan held the five-year-old in his lap and kissed her cheek affectionately.

"Why did you come so late?" The little girl asked innocently.

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