Dobara. (1)

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"I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore."

Silence captured the entire room, the only audible sound was my heart beating and thumping against my ribs.

"What do you mean?"

He averted his gaze for a second then took a deep breath and looked straight into my eyes.

"I like her, I don't know how that happened but I just know that I can't leave her now."

A single drop of tear left my eye and I looked at my husband of two years in disbelief.

"Are you out of your goddamn mind? You are married to me, what about me? Huh! Are you going to leave me?"

He again averted his eyes and muttered, "I can't leave her."

"Sheryar for god's sake, tell me you're joking."

"I'm sorry but I can't live with you anymore Rameen, I never loved you, you were my mother's concern which she threw in my life by force, I knew this marriage has an expiration date, the day has come now."

I flinched at his harsh words.

His mother found me in the hospital room clutching both of my deceased parents' hands in a death grip. I was fifteen at that time and had no extended family interested in taking me, my mother's best friend took pity on the bruised broken girl who survived the horrendous accident which swallowed her parents. since then I had been living with my Gull aunty—sheryar's mother.
She wanted to see her son settled and she found me the perfect candidate to fulfill that responsibility

"You left nothing for negotiations, I won't hold you back go wherever you want to be but before going complete the procedure of our divorce."
It looks like he always wanted to hear those words from my mouth and didn't hesitate for a second and nodded at me.


In all these five months, I learned a very vital lesson from leaving Sheryar  Life is all about making irrational, haste, and poor decisions, and my wrong decision was to marry Sheryar.

The only thing which we have to focus on is not holding ourselves from achieving our dreams and goals. Life goes on, people move on, and letting go is the best option we humans have.
I thought my life stopped after the divorce but sheryar wasn't worth my attention. I didn't want to care for a person who doesn't tend to have a single concern for me in his life. From that day onwards, I rejoined the office.
My savings earned me a good apartment in a good neighborhood, I had a thick paying salary and my life was finally coming on track.

"Mr. Hadid, I completed all the tasks and emailed your tomorrow's schedule, I'll be on my way home now, goodnight sir."

He was typing something on the laptop but halted when I came in.

"Miss yousuf, my driver will drop you at your home. It's pouring outside."
My Boss who is a man of few words uttered those words with his deep and clear voice.

"Uh—I don't want to be a burden on you, I can go on my own."

He exhaled a tired breath and got up after closing his laptop.
"C'mon I'll drop you off at the car."

"Mr. Hadid—"

"Miss yousuf you've met my mother, she will kill me if she found out that I let you go alone in this weather."

He didn't speak anything further and I accepted his offering silently because I was also scared of going alone home in this weather. Just two more paychecks until I can finally buy a car.

We were in the lobby when the drenched security guard came toward us.
"Mr. Hadid, Ahmed asked me to tell you that he has gone home his mother's health is very terrible, she may not survive this time."

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