Affan&Zara x Mustafa&Afaf

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Zara's patience was running while waiting for Affan.

She discovered a new side of Affan in the past ten days. The man had become a workaholic, his once carefree life was now encircled in typing long emails, proofreading files, and taking observations.
And not wanting to stay away from his wife, he forced her to come with him on a business tour.
The man was attending a crucial conference abandoning his wife behind.

Zara stayed in their room for a while however, after getting bored she moved out in the lobby gazing and observing the elegant pieces of art that decorated mainly every wall of the hotel.

"Yes Manizeh, he's still in the conference." A feminine voice reached her ears.

Moving her head to the right, she peeked at the tall girl standing beside her. The girl's voice was laced with disappointment.

Sensing that somebody else was hearing her rants, Afaf quickly cut her best friend's call.

Looking at the younger girl, Afaf gleamed genuinely.

"You are also waiting for someone who's in the conference?!" Zara started the conversation. The girl standing next to her looked easy to talk to.

"My husband." Afaf sighed while rolling her eyes.

Zara's lips twitched and a sincere smile settled on her lips.
"Same with me! I have been also waiting for my husband for the past five hours."

Crossing her arms, Afaf shook her head while scowling, "you know my husband dragged me with him away from kids to spend some quality time together, honestly, I say it's rubbish, he deceived me just so that he won't travel alone."
Not having control over her sentiments, and seeing the younger girl in her same shoe, Afaf complained about her husband to a stranger.

"Same happened with me but minus the kids, we don't have them yet," Zara replied with a giggle.

"I'm Zara by the way!" Zara introduced herself first, sticking out her right hand for Afaf to shake.

Shaking the small dainty hand of the attractive girl, Afaf grinned.

"Afaf." She replied enthusiastically.

Both of the girls got indulged in the conversation - mainly complaining to each other about the habits of their workaholic husbands.

Their tirade about their husbands stopped when two masculine bodies encircled their certain partner.

"I'm sorry it took longer than I thought."
Affan apologized as soon as he went near his wife.

Both of the girls got startled seeing the sudden appearance of their husbands.

Noticing the hysterical expression on Afaf's face, Mustafa also mumbled a silent apology.

Waving goodbye to each other, both of the girls departed with their particular partners.

"Remind to never agree on coming with you." Unclasping the strap of her heel, Afaf strolled in their hotel room barefoot.

"Janum, more than you, I was getting impatient to get out from that tedious conference. Board members are a bunch of stupid people honestly." Clasping his hands around her, Mustafa hugged his wife from behind.

"I'm not convinced with your lame
statement, try again."

"Seven years in the marriage, yet I still fail to persuade you."

"Everybody learns from mistakes, you just defy them and attempt them again and again."

Chuckling in her neck, Mustafa shook her head at her fierce wife.
"Now that's not true."

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