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They all reached home in the evening, parking the car in the garage, he glanced at her who was sleeping soundly.

Removing the dark ray bans from his eyes, he stared at her with tenderness. Gulping a thick lump, he moved his hand to softly remove a stubborn strand away from her innocent face.

"Zara, wake up, we are home!" Gently patting her shoulder, he tried to wake her up.

Squinting her eyes, she sat upright and got out of the car without glancing at him.

Taking slow steps, she entered her house, dismissing everyone, she reached towards her room.

Closing the door behind her, she scanned her whole room with dry eyes, there were no more tears that tried to escape from her eyes.

A heaviness settled in her heart, breathing roughly she clenched and unclenched her fists.
Licking her dry lips, she took refuge at the edge of her bed.

Flashes of that incident passed from her eyes. His filthy hands covering her mouth, her protests, the silent tears which escaped her eyes, him looking at her with an evil grin, that had hidden message behind. A shudder passed down her spine about thinking what would have happened if he had succeeded in his mission.

What would have happened if she reacted late? What would have happened if Affan didn't come on time?

Would that vile man be going to marry her? She knew he would do that because that vicious man was capable of it. He was blinded by her wealth, the lust of gaining some paper notes is so much intense that the man forgets about anything that comes in between. He becomes a heinous creature just to have the peace that comes with wealth.

Till to this date, nobody attained that serenity in the heart that comes with good fortune, we can have a delicate bed but we cannot have a serene sleep, we cannot stop our mind and heart to become restless.

Money can make us glamorous from the outside but it also sucks all the conformity making man's heart and mind hallow from inside.

And then that wealthy man's struggle starts to have inner peace, he will realize that it's cannot be granted by some paper notes. He has to suffer the consequences, he has to suffer the aftermaths of all the unjust he did, he has to suffer loneliness. On that day he will recognize that this world is just a facade, it's just a deception, and nothing lasts forever.

The peace only resides in a true believer's heart.

Closing her eyes, she shook her head knowing that Hamid was deep into it.

He was perched on a brown leather seat in front of his father in his study room.
His elbows rested on the armrest of the chair.

Exhaling, his father looked at his younger son with deep emotion that Affan couldn't pinpoint.

Affan's eyes landed beside him where his elder brother stood with his arms crossed.

"I think it's time to fulfill my promise."
The old man with salt and pepper hair looked at his elder son who in response noded slightly.

"What promise?" A whisper left Affan's mouth.

He glanced straight at his father with confused eyes.

"You have to listen to me carefully first, then you can speak whatever you want."

Affan mumbled, "you are scaring me, Dad."

The tense atmosphere in the room and the rigid faces of his brother and father were making him anxious with each passing second.

"Salman demanded something from me when he was breathing his last breathes."

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