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Hamid dragged her out forcefully. He had a firm hold over her mouth. Thrashing and smacking, she tried to free herself but the devil didn't give her any avail.

Slamming her against the car, the monster smiled at her sinfully with his yellow teeth, roughly pushing her hair out of her face, he whispered in her ear, "bitch will become mine today," a pungent smell of cigarette and alcohol erupted from his mouth.

Tears welled up in her eyes, her heart was racing a marathon. Gulping down the lump, she Clasped her hand together and looked straight into his eyes.

There are moments in our lives where we lose hope - we think that nothing can go wrong after this, we think that our life is destroyed over some specific incident or a wrong decision, but we forget one thing, one very important thing,
Even after every disastrous incident or decision, A human being always has a choice, a choice to fight or to become numb. A free-will that can either make or break one.

An option that Allah gave everybody - whether to go on the distracted path or follow the right direction.

And right now Zara chose that free will,
She chooses to fight, she chooses to compete till her last breath,
She won't let this man destroy her, she won't let him win. Not now, not ever!

Adrenaline ran in her system like wildfire. Bitting his palm vigorously, she forcibly kicked him between his thighs.
Screeching awfully in pain, he bent down against his car.

"You bitch!" He moaned in pain.

Finding this situation perfect, Zara turned to run but was bumped into Affan's hard chest.

His eyes were wide, fear evident in them.

He looked into her bloodshot eyes, tears were rolling out from her eyes like small diamonds.

He didn't touch her, just stood there staring at her small face.

Hamid's groaning bought them back to reality, Affan's fist clutched tightly in a ball cutting the blood supply.
His jaw was tightly clamped, in short, he looked murderous - ready to kill.

Strolling beside her, he went towards Hamid.

Fisting his collar in his hand, Affan punched him straight into his face.
The punch was so strong that Zara swore she heard the noise of bone cracking.

After almost five punches, he kicked him in his stomach with his bulky shoes, making Hamid spat blood out of his mouth.

"HOW DARE YOU TO TOUCH HER!" Again a kick to Hamid's nose.

She swore she never has seen Affan this much furious in her all twenty years of existence. He was never a violent temperament guy.

Zara was trembling in panic, seeing Affan throwing punch after punch at Hamid made her sick to her stomach.

Soon the realization hit her, walking briskly with her socked-up face, she clutched Affan's black shirt from the back, making him halt in his movement.

"Affan, he will die, stop it." Words suddenly felt heavy on her lips.
Her breathing was rough, more hot tears rolled off from her eyes.

Twisting, with a clenched jaw he whispered brutally. "Let him die, a man like him doesn't deserve to live in this world."

Choking, Zara shook her head.

Hamid was a bloody mess, groaning and whimpering, he was rolling on the road in pain.

Affan stood up, he held her arm firmly around his bruised and bloody knuckles, he didn't let her twirl around and led her towards home.

Remembering about her Nano, she rapidly moved towards her room, but the scene in front of her broke her heart, the old fragile lady was sobbing while clutching her ankle in her hand.

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