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They were so engrossed in their chatting that they didn't hear the doorbell ringing. After about ten minutes, Mustafa knocked at the door to alert the girls.

Mustafa came into the room after their permission, "The guests have arrived, Amma is calling you both." Afaf was trying hard to not eye contact with him because of what she did, but the stubborn man was constantly gazing at her with hawkeyes.

Manizeh hid her smile and shook her head at her friend's naive acts.

Mustafa and Afaf were best friends however, Mustafa always felt more towards her and he sent his proposal to her parents when she completed her studies. Everything got settled and when she was officially his fiancee, their whole relationship suddenly changed. She no longer acts carefree or reckless in front of him like she used to do, instead, she showed him how well-mannered girl she is and Mustafa could see how badly she was failing at it.

"Let me help." Both of them spoke at the same time and move towards Manizeh who was struggling to sit in her wheelchair.

"No, it's fine I will do it myself." Even though she was struggling she didn't show them any weakness.  Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, her hands were slightly shaking due to her deformity, however, she didn't stop. It took her several minutes but finally, she did it and sat on her chair on her own.

Her brother had pride shining in his eyes for her, she also felt delighted with her achievement.

Mustafa came beside her and pushed her wheelchair towards the living room.

There he stood, in her living room. Tall and handsome. The years enhanced his magnificence beauty even more.
He looked like a man with a strong physique and sharp mind.

His mother, Anum Ghazi, noticed her first and walked briskly to hug her.

"Oh, Manizeh look at you, how beautiful have you grown Mashallah.
Gosh, how many years passed, and look at you kids all grown up."

"Oh my God! Afaf is that you!"

Afaf consumed her attention and Manizeh was thankful for it however, Anum didn't remark or noticed her disability and pretended as if everything was normal.

Ali Ghazi came next and he too talked to her naturally.

It somehow made her complacent that they were not looking at her with pity or sympathy.

She wanted Jasim to treat her the same as his parents treated her but he didn't even glance at her and mingled in the conversation with Mustafa and her father.

The dinner went smoothly, They told them that they are again shifting to their old house, Jasim will be living in Islambad to handle the hospital, his father will take over their Lahore hospital.

The Ghazis were very generous people and never took pleasure in showing off their money, one time she heard Jasim saying, "what's the need of that money if it's not paid to help the needy and poor."

After the dinner, they left and Mustafa left to drop Afaf at her home.

In her bed, she thought about his behavior towards her.

Was he still angry because of their childhood? but she knew him, he wasn't this childish, then what was the matter?

She had no idea.


The week has passed since the dinner and she was anxious since then.

Her mother came to her room after knocking.
She sat on her bed beside her and held her hand stroking it with her own soft hands.

"Your Abba wanted Jasim to treat you, he is known as one of the best in his profession right now."

She stared at her mother and gestured for her to continue.

"He agreed but he wanted something else in return."

Manizeh's heart thump loudly, she was sure her mother could hear it.

"What?" In a meek little voice she asked her.

"He wants to marry you."

"What!" she shrieked loudly at her mother.

"Is he doing this for pity, then tell him Amma that I'm not some charity case, tell him I don't need his sympathy."

"Manizeh, you are giving me the same reaction your father gave him."
Her mother continued,
"He didn't think you as some charity case, his intentions are pure. He wants to take you to Islamabad after marriage and wants to properly treat you there."

Her mother told her she denied her husband to talk to her, she knew both father and daughter duo would make unnecessary conclusions.

Her mother gave her time to think and decide.

Her mother told her the reaction of Anum - how happy she was when Jasim declared this news to her. His parents gave him the blessing and everything was now depending on her answer.

But one thing that confused her that why didn't he talked to her directly if he wanted to marry her.

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