Chapter five

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"Did you take off your dress, baby?" Anna's soft, cooing voice came through the door. I was still standing and sucking on my thumb.

"Nos, not yet" I mumble around my thumb. My thumb in my mouth started to feel yucky, so I removed it.

"Okay, sweetheart. I'll just make a call for new clothes for you okay" she said as I heard her dial the numbers.

"Thankies A'na'" I mumbled shyly even though she couldn't see me. She was willing to get me new clothes even though I was a mere stranger to her.

"You welcome, Lena" she cooed and went back to talking on the phone.

I was to in a daze to listen to the conversation. I squired around as the wet feeling started getting itching. The dress was uncomfortable as I whine. I didn't like this.

"Are you okay in there, sweetheart?" Anna asked worriedly.

"Itchy, no like A'na. Make go 'way pease" I whined in frustration.

"I know, baby. The clothes will be here in no time, just like magic" she spoke in excitement.

"Weally, like 'agic. Wow!" my eyes widen in astonishment. I frown in thought in why I found that fascination in something so simple but quickly shook that thought away as the toilet door open.

"Yep, see just like magic" as a knock came outside the toilet. I heard her footsteps go towards the door and opened it.

I frown and tilt my head wondering who it is. I badly wanted to open the door to see who it was but I stood frozen in fear. What if they thought the clothes was for a little kid and see it was for an adult who pee on themselves? I whimper at that thought.

"Hey babe, I got the clothes you ask for. I came as fast as possible" A familiar voice echo out of breath in the toilet. I felt like I knew that voice from somewhere but quickly dismissed it.

"Arghh thank you, you an absolute life saver" Anna thanked her and heard lips smack together. I blushed at that. They were giving each other kissy.

"The clothes are here, Lena. No more tears, it's okay" Anna said and passed me the clothes in a bag by the small opening by the door. The bag was already slightly opened. Anna probably checked before she gave it to me.

I opened the bag and saw a pair of black leggings and a kids size purple hoodie with blue butterflies on it. I liked it. There were some baby wipes in the bag to use to wipe myself down. Unfortunately there was no panties in the bag, but that's okay as seeing the hoodie would cover my bum.

I quickly made a change of my wet clothes with difficulty and frustration. This was to hard. Finally get the clothes off, I put it on the toilet floor. Yucky dirty clothes, hmmph! I took some wipes and wiped myself down. Slightly shivering from the coldness of it. I made a quick work of putting on the leggings but got stuck by putting on the hoodie.

I tugged continuous, hoping to make it somehow work but it didn't. I could feel frustration tears bold up and I stomp my feet on the ground. This is so hard, everything felt to much and my emotions weren't helping either. It felt to big to comprehend.

"Are you almost done in there baby?" Anna knocked on the door to get my attention.

"An't do. Nee' hewp from wou" i spoke as my bottom lip start to quiver.

"Are you sure, sweetheart?" She asked hesitantly.

"Yes, hewp now" my voice cracked from being stuck in the hoodie. It began to get warm and being in a awkward position did not help at all.

"Okay, I'm coming in baby" she stepped in and softly chuckle at me. Why was she laughing, this is not funny!

"Laugh at me?" I pout in the hoodie.

"No honey, not at all. Come let Anna help and make everything better" she cooed and help rearrange my hoodie and made my body go in the correct holes. Aaah, so much better. I can breathe again as my head pop out in the opening, the cap covering just on top of eyes.

"Thankies A'na" I stared at her in amazement. She's like my hero.

"You welcome baby" she laughed at my expression and pushed the cap of the hoodie off my head. Her eye shined with happiness.

I pulled her in a big hug and nuzzled into her chest. She felt warm. She quickly retaliated and pulled me closer to her and hugged me more tighter. I smiled softly, enjoying the comfort I was receive after such a horrible start of a day. This is like the second hug for the day.

That's a new record. First Olivia, now Anna. Goooooo Lena! I chuckle internally at my childishness.

"Should we go back now" she murmur and kissed my head as she broke the silence. I soon realised that someone was still outside the stall door.

I looked up at her whined. I didn't want the person outside to see me. Anna rubbed my back and murmured reassurance in my ear. Feeling a bit better I nod my head at her, ready to go back outside.

She let go of the hug and crouch down to put the wet clothes in the empty bag. I blushed in embarrassment. Anna just smiled at me and continued what she was doing.

"Let's go" she got back up with the bag in her hand and open the door.

Opening the door, I see someone I never expected to see again. It was Olivia standing by the sink, fixing up her appearance. She stopped and looked at us through the mirror. Her eyes widen and looked back at me and so does mine. She gave me a big smile through the mirrors and gave Anna a confused look.

Anna knew Olivia!? Olivia knew Anna!?

What a small world we live in. Never did I expected this to happen in a million years!! Wowzies!!

"Hi Lena" Olivia turned around and faces us with a perplex and surprise look on her face.

"Hewwo" I shyly greeted and looked down at my feet, blushing. My feet became interesting as I wiggled by light purple toenails. No one spoke. A comfortable silence dawn on us. Although it was a comfortable silence, I felt awkward and out of place. I inch closer to Anna and hid behind her back and I gripped her shirt in my hand .

Now Olivia knew I peed myself. So embarrassing. I wanted them to be my friends now they both knew I had an accident.


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