ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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Sorry for the delay, and also for not continuing with my other planned book; I simply lost motivation and confidence in writing it, and I hope you understand.

Also, I hope you enjoy this book and let me know if you think I should keep writing it. It took a long time to edit, so I hope my writing has improved.


Darryl was currently sleeping on his stomach and groaned as his phone rang in the middle of the night. He looked at the nightstand where
his phone was lighting up while still blaring
noise," this better not be Zak's current
girlfriend, or probably ex at this point if it is her," Darryl muttered as he stretched his
arm as he grabbed the phone.

He got the phone while still in the same position, brought it to his face, he couldn't see well because he didn't have his
glasses on, so he just accepted the call and
brought it to his ear, where he was greeted
by yup Zak's now ex Bianca, "YOUR FRIEND IS FUCKING BULLSHIT! *CRYING* he...he just
randomly broke up with me while we were
dancing and... and he just left me,"
Bianca explained

Darryl simply groaned, rolled his eyes, and
yawned as he replied, "I thought you already
knew he was breaking up with you since the
beginning of your relationship, that I don't
even know it's one because Zak isn't serious
about his relationships, and what time is it anyway?"

Bianca just sobbed her way through the
entire tale before responding," a.. an
approximately 11 o'clock, near to 12"

Darryl simply sighed and muttered, "OK, Bianca, bye."

"Wa..wait for No-" Bianca was about to say something but couldn't because Darryl cut the call short. Darryl then looked at his phone and long pressed the power button to turn it off, knowing Zak and Bianca were going to call him.

Darryl then groaned and slid his phone back onto the nightstand before closing his eyes and snuggling back into his bed, where he promptly fell asleep, as the fact that he was still tired.

Time Skip

Darryl rubbed his eyes as he turned and lay down on his back, then sat up while yawning, Darryl then got out of bed, grabbed his phone, and was about to turn it on but decided not to because he wasn't ready to see Zak's messages, so he just grabbed his charger and plugged it in, and after a few seconds the apple logo popped up,

Darryl sighed and looked at his digital alarm clock, which read 6:05 a.m., "huh?, a little early for a Saturday morning, but oh well," he thought as he shugged to his wardrobe and grabbed some clothing, as his phone began digging because it had now been powered on.

Darryl simply sighed as it was pretty normal at this point, Darryl then closed the closet doors and went to his bathroom to complete his morning bathroom routine, Darryl was finally finished after about 20 minutes, Darryl then twisted the doorknob and pulled it in, Darryl was now dry except for his wet hair, Darryl also changed in the bathroom.

Darryl then exited the bathroom and walked over to his nightstand, where he grabbed his phone, which was still charging, and swiped down the control center, seeing that it was now on 82 percent. Darryl then swiped up and looked at the notifications, which included 5 missed calls from Bianca, 3 messages, and 2 missed calls from Zak.

Darryl then tapped on the messages and entered his passcode to open his phone, which brought him to iMessage, where he read the message.

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