ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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Darryl then opened YouTube and turned down the volume so as not to wake Zak, Darryl then scrolled for a bit before clicking something that caught his eye, Darryl watched it for about 5 minutes on low volume before hearing a groan and yawning as well as shuffling in the bed, Darryl paused his phone and looked towards the bed,

Darryl asked as he stood up and put his phone in his pocket, "Good morning muffin, so why did you break up with Bianca this time?" Zak simply rubbed his left eye with his left hand and replied while yawning," I don't know really, I thought you'd be used to me breaking up with my girlfriends on a regular basis," Zak replied.

Darryl simply sighed as he sat next to Zak and remarked, "Yeah, but I know there's a reason for that, *giggled* furthermore, your Dad knows, so good luck explaining it to him while eating breakfast."

"Ugh, he's going to sermon me again," Zak groaned as he faced Darryl. "I hate it when he does that while I'm eating, it ruins my appetite." Zak added

"Yup, same goes for me," Darryl giggled as he turned to face Zak. "But my dad doesn't really go too far with the sermons because I'm not a ragamuffin like you."

"Yeah yeah, I'm not a goody to shoes smart ass like you," Zak said, giving him an irritated look and softly punching Darryl on the shoulder.

Darryl merely laughed and rubbed his shoulder as he said, "language you muffin!" Darryl then bopped Zak's nose and said, "yup caz your a ragamuffin that likes to party, get wasted, and play with girls' hearts."

"We're completely different from each other yet we're so close," Zak said with a sigh.

Darryl simply laughed and replied, "yup, I'm not sure how we became friends, but oh well, I suppose it's because of your personality, you know, your silly and humorous one, and your laugh is contagious."

Zak simply grinned as he turned and laid back on his back, saying, "yup, I could say the same to you, seriously your laugh is so cute." Zak's eyes widened as he bit his lip in embarrassment, and Darryl simply laughed and stared at Zak, who was visibly embarrassed.

"Quite fruity if you ask me," Zak added nervously.

Darryl just laughed and sighed and looked at Zak and said, "Don't feel so awkward Zak, it's ok anyway, your dad said breakfast is about done so he's probably going to call us, I wanted to decline but he-" Darryl was cut off before he could finish.

"But he won't take no for an answer, and yeah, I irritated about it, but oh well," Zak concluded.

Darryl simply smiled sympathetically at Zak and added, "I know it's annoying, but your Dad's kind, at least sometimes, but I'm sure he just wants what's best for you."

"Now come on let's go breakfast's probably ready," Darryl said excitedly as he handed Zak a smile and a helping hand to get up of bed.

Zak gratefully accepted the gesture and rose from his bed while tugging Darryl's hand, the two then proceeded towards the door, Darryl being the first to get at the door, he was the one who turned the door knob to open it, Darryl then pulled in the door knob and walked out, and Zak followed suit.

"So, any homework handed to you for the weekend?" Darryl began the conversation as the two went down the corridor together.

"Yup, but the deadline is on Monday," Zak replied, "so yeah, I'll probably do it on Sunday." "It's just an essay for english class, and a few other things," Zak added.

"Ohh ok, I really finished all of my homework last night," Darryl said.

Zak then raised his brows and inquired, "What for?"

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