ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟛

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"sooo wanna eat lunch?" Clay asked, it was 11:34am , George pulled away from the hug, " sure" he replied smiling. They both got out the room, and out of the house, they got in Clay's car, with George sitting on the drivers side seat.

Clay started the car by pressing the engine start/stop button, George smiled he opened Spotify on the center screen, he played Robbie Williams - Candy.

Clay backed out the driveway, and drove off,
"Where do you wanna eat?" Clay asked. George replied " I don't know, Macdonald's would be nice", Clay nodded as he started his route to Macdonald's.

The two enjoyed the ride bopping their heads to the music, it was nice, comfortable and cute when Clay's hand made their way to George's thigh.

George felt the warmth from the blonde's hand, he looked at Clay, Clay breathly luaghed. " What?, Want me to remove it?" Clay asked, George replied " no, it's fine quiet like it", Clay smiled.

Clay started lightly squeezing George's thigh from time to time, which George doesn't mind they're boyfri-, wait? No they still don't have a label. George felt a bit sad but pushed it way he doesn't wanna ruin the moment.

The music has now changed to Owl_City_-_Fireflies, it felt nostalgic, but both of them likes the song so it was nice, it only added to the moment.

And finally they arrived at the drive thru, Clay removed his hand from George's thigh, he lowered the window waiting for the car infront to finish ordering.

And now it was their turn, Clay asked the brunette of does he want which he replied " oh ah big mac" Clay nodded, " Hello sir good morning welcome to Macdonald's, what can I get you?" A female worker said from a speaker.

Clay replied " oh, two big Mac meals with 2 medium diet cokes", " we'll that be all sir?" The worker replied. Clay looked at George who nodded, he replied " yup thank you", " ok just proceed to the next window please".

"Thanks" Clay said as he drove to the window." Hello sir it will all be $15.98" a worker said, Clay got his wallet and got $20 and paid for their meal, he got his change, and a paper bag and two medium size drink cups.

Clay said thank you before putting up the window and drove off, George started eating his fries, while Clay cleared his throat which got George's attention.

"Yeah?" George questioned, Clay gathered up his caurage and said, " George, I still haven't asked you this so here it goes". George just looked at Clay who's still driving , looking at the road and from time to time looking at him.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" The blonde asked, George felt happiness and tingling in his heart, his heart was swarmed with butterflies, he was joyous at the moment.

That took him a few seconds to process, yeah of course his bestfriend since childhood his gonna be his boyfriend, Clay sighed not hearing a response he felt a pit in his stomach he bit his bottom lip and sighed.

"It's ok I mea-" he was cut off by the brunette," yes Clay, I would love to be your boyfriend" George said sincerely.

Clay looked at George's face seeing a face full of sincereness plastered all over it, he felt relived, delighted, thankful.

They returned to Clay's house, since they still haven't finished the assignment, Clay's parents aren't home as always since their always busy.

They entered the house, and up to Clay's room, Clay laid in bed and started eating, while George ate while finishing on rewriting the assignment.

"I can't believe it, my bestfriend is now my boyfriend" Clay said in disbelief, George giggled " me either, I always call you idiot well you are so it fits".

Clay rolled his eyes at his boyfriend, " yeah same goes for you, I really liked you George since like elementary well back then it was just a crush".

George rolled his eyes " hmm never knew that, well you were good at hiding your feelings I guess, but when we started on highschool you started teasing me, saying Ooo I love you Georgie,gogy, Georgie poo" George cringed towards those odd names.

Clay luaghed, " yeah, but you did blushed tho, you look so cute blushing", George sighed " but I always have thought you were only joking, so it pains hearing those I love you towards me, with myself telling me your bestfriend is straight,his never gonna love you".

Clay's heart melted " awee, but I love you Georgie, I always had, and will always be in love with you. Those I love you Georgies are yes jokes but never thought, it would had affected you, I've always said those I love you with a hint of truthfulness I just act as it's a joke so you won't react saying it's gay"

"Also me straight pfft, straight as a bendy ruler that is, our group is like so gay actually might as well call it the gay squad" Clay joked.

George made a confused look " but what about Darryl and Zak?, They aren't gay so we can't be a gay squad then". Clay chuckled " yeah those two huh , yeah right they are gay just still in the closet, also I could see them in a relationship we'll just wait and see".

George giggled, Clay added " also like Darryl is so a bottom, while Zak would definitely be a top, also they would be so cute as couple, just imagine".

George can't contain himself, Clay was absolutely correct with Zak and Darryl making a cute couple, but only problem is, those two are in denial.

After a few more minutes, George was now finished with the assignment, he cleaned up the area, and packed the assignment in si bag, after that he went Clay's bed and laid down beside his boyfriend.

"Wanna watch a movie" Clay asked, George nodded. Clay opened up Disney+ and played Cruella, the two watched the movie snuggling and cuddle together.

It was calm and quiet, and after Cruella, they watched another film before George left to return home.

Word count...1025

Don't forget to vote ,if you liked the chapter.

I have a lot of school works due in like 2 days so good luck to me.

And, as always, eat, sleep, and drink water because you deserve it.

Just Best Friends? - SKEPHALO,DNF Highschool Au Where stories live. Discover now